Kukosa, Tomas wrote:
> Hi,
> as I know, G.722 has just expired patents and is freely available.
> The C source code could be found in ITU-T G.191
> http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-G.191/en
> I am not 100% sure about licencing if we can use this source code in
> Wireshark, it is why I have not released codec plugin with this G.722 codec.

Here's the response I got to my query to licensing<at>fsf.org. Should we
ask to have it added to the queue?

> Is there an opinion of the "free software" status of the "ITU-T software
> tools General Public License"? I could not find it referred to in
> http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/index_html
> An example of thie license is included as "Annex B" of "ITU-T G.191
> International telephone connections and circuits – Software tools for
> transmission systems"

This appears to be nearly a copy of the GNU GPLv2 with "GNU" and "FSF"
replaced by "ITU-T", and with the patent provisions removed, and a few
other miscellanous changes.  Is there anything on the ITU web site that
indicates their intent?

Anyway, my unofficial opinion is that it is a free software license that
is incompatible with the GNU GPL, since both are copylefts.

I can't render an official opinion and that would take *much* more study
by lawyers and others, so if you need that, all we can do is put it on
the list and get to it when possible.

Hope this helps.  Best regards,

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, and this is not official legal advice.

There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes.
                -- Dr. Who
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