
Run configure with the '-help' option. That shows all the options you can pass
to the script to match the build to your target.


yenan wrote:
> Hi, folks, need help here!
> I am tasked to integrate tshark to hardware, therefore we can capture 
> and debug packets internally. We build tshark as a 3rd party tool 
> through image combined with other tools, when installing  this image to 
> hardware, a path like $IMAGE will add in front of wireshark absolute 
> path by image configure default, say: $(IMAGE)/Wireshark..
> As I know, wireshark always look for absoulte path, not relative path, 
> to link libraries, therefore, eventhough the plugin libraries are 
> prefectly build, I can easily find all the .so, .la libraries, but 
> tshark just won't load them..I guess it's due to the absoulte path is 
> changed, because a $(IMAGE) is added to the wireshark absoulte path.. 
> Anyone have met simliar problem, is there any way to test the plugin 
> libraries for tshark, and any way I can set the plugins path as relative 
> path?
> Any help will be greatly appreciated!
> Thank you very much!
> Nan

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