
If you could post at least your proto_register and proto_handoff code we 
might be able to get some insight.


khushbu thakkar wrote:
> Hello,
>          I am not actually new to Wireshark, i have build the plugin in 
> Wireshark which has to be decoded on the top of UDP. I m using this on 
> Window XP SP1 . I have build Wireshark with GTK+ 2.10.12 and Wireshark 
> Version is 0.99.6.
>         The problem with me is *Wireshark Crash* when the "*Preference*" 
> of the my *plugin * is set. Whenever the preference value changes from 
> the initialized value and if we try to capture or load the recorded file 
> having packets of my plugin protocol it crashes. And one more thing is 
> if i disable the preference code n use the xxx.dll then it works fine 
> i.e. problem is due to preference code.
>           I m using the Standard code format for registering the 
> Preference as in Readme.developer. So anybody could please guide me 
> where should the problem actually be. Thank You in advance for the help.
> Reply Soon,
> Best Regards,
> Khushbu

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