> http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/viewvc/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&revision=23560
> Log:
>  This patch adds (ten) temporary coloring rules which will only live until 
> Wireshark is
>  quit. Temporary coloring filters can be set by:
>  The colors for the temporary coloring rules are now hardcoded as I do not 
> know
>  how to change the color of menu-items and therefore I chose to use icons to
>  show the actual color of each of the ten temporary coloring rules. Is it at 
> all
>  possible to have different menu items in different colors?
>  One other way of solving this is to recreate the icons on the fly after 
> changing
>  the colors. I will have a look into that once it is clear whether I can use 
>  different colors within the menu structure.
I'm not even sure if different colored menu items is such a good idea, 
this often looks pretty ugly.

There are some other usability things that really needs to be solved:

- if no capture file is loaded, both "View/Colorize Conversation" and 
"View/Reset Coloring" are active and can be clicked - but nothing 
happens. A usability "no go".

- the main menu and the context menu have a different structure which is 
a another "no go" IMHO. If it's not possible to have the "View/Colorize 
Conversation" menu the same way than the context menu, it's probably 
better to remove it completely from the main menu. This applies as well 
for the "View/Reset Coloring".

Regards, ULFL
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