Michael Tuexen wrote:
> On Nov 19, 2007, at 4:50 PM, Jeff Morriss wrote:
>> Michael Tuexen wrote:
>>> On Nov 16, 2007, at 11:04 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>> (One could rightfully argue that you should only see a fragmented
>>>> chunk
>>>> bundled with another chunk when retransmitting but, well, I'm
>>>> staring at
>>>> traces of an implementation--to remain nameless to protect the
>>>> guilty--which
>>>> is sometimes fragmenting and then bundling the fragments into one
>>>> packet.)
>>> That is completely valid... Implementations are free to fragment user
>>> data and bundle the fragments in one packet. There are even  
>>> conditions
>>> where
>>> this is required behaviour.
>> Hmmm, like when (besides retransmission)?  It certainly is ugly to  
>> look at.
> If you have for example one path with an MTU of 1500 bytes and another
> path of an MTU of 9000 byte. If you now send a message of 200 bytes,
> you have to fragment it such that it can be sent over the 1500 byte  
> path,
> even you you send it on the other.

Ah, OK, that makes some sense.  (In my world both paths always have the 
same MTU.)

> Also if you have a path of 1500 bytes MTU and you are sending packets
> of size 800 bytes, only one user message fits into one packet.
> Some implementations optimize this (Solaris comes into my mind),
> by splitting the messages such that the packets are almost full.
> There is nothing wrong with this.

I would read that as "over bundling" past the MTU (to the point where it 
forces fragmentation) but I guess that it's true that it's not really 
illegal.  Hmmm...

> When dissecting you might want to enable reassembly.
>> BTW, I also mean to check if the SCTP dissector should be catching
>> exceptions whenever calling a subdissector.  What I fixed above was
>> causing me massive confusion because the peer was SACKing TSNs I
>> couldn't see in the trace (because M3UA exception'd out).  Of course
>> exceptions may occur for other reasons and we should never forgot to
>> display all the DATA chunks.
> But we should also see the exceptions in the upper layer if there
> are problems... If I'm looking at the SCTP layer, I normally disable
> the upper layer dissection.

The change that started this thread puts [Unreassembled packet] in the 
info column (in between chunks).  Other exceptions would presumably also 
put something there.

I usually just ignore the upper layer stuff instead of turning it 
off--but I discovered the hard way that doing so can trick you.
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