Peter Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has cancelled Peter Johansson
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'s request for review_for_checkin:
Bug 1430: EtherCAT dissector

------- Additional Comments from Peter Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
In reply to .

1. I have removed includes <gmodule.h> and "moduleinfo.h".
2. All unnamed unions have been assigned names.
3. The ethertype 0x88A4 has been added to etypes.h and packet-ethertype.c.
4. Module registration has been removed since no preferences exist. Btw, why
should registration not be made when preferences do not exist (apart from that
it is not needed)?
5. In what way is "#pragma pack(push, 1)" not portable? Are you referring to
that some compilers do not recognise the pragma pack statement or that it is
uncertain whether or not the data layout will be the same between platforms?
6. ams.h has been removed from the file makefile.common.

The attachment also includes diff files for etypes.h and packet-ethertype.c.

Additionally I have added code that verifies that the amount of PDU data that
is attempted to be copied using tvb_memcpy actually is available in the PDU
(using tvb_ensure_bytes_exist). This handles the case when malformed PDUs are

Thank you for your feeedback!

Regards, Peter
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