Hello everyone,

My name is Khan, Muddassir and iam a master student at Technical University
Munich. I am diong my master thesis project using the MIT project, roofnet
and COPE.  I want some evaluation now that i have finished the progamming
part. For that reason i need to use ethereal which is a good tool for visual

The problem is that the packet sent out by any node have extra headers on
it. Due to this reason the ethereal can not identify teh packets and just
show SSL instead of shoiwng wether it is a TCP or UDP packet.

I need to know exactly what i need to change, should i be introdcin a new
protocol field in ethereal or add something to the packet dissceting part?

I am sorry if my questions are very vague but i dont exactly know hwo to go
around ethereal, i ahve read the documentaitons for deveolpers that is why i
knwo the terms for pakcet dissecting and protocol addition to the ethereal.

I hope someone can help me out in this.

Thanks alot in advance
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