
> It  seems to me that the way Wireshark handles some aspects of the SSL
> communication  is wrong or at least inconsistent.

It is a "feature" of the Wireshark BER ASN.1 handling (packet-ber.c) -
only the Value of the ASN.1 Tag/Length/Value are selected - which to
be fair is often what you want.

Nothing is wrong with the SSL communication - or indeed inconsistent.
Wireshark just currently doesn't do what you would like/expect it to
do. But that can be changed! 8^)

> Let us take a packet
> where  the  server  furnishes its certificate. If we select the string
> "Certificate:  3082..." in the middle window, corresponding bytes will
> be  automatically selected in the lower one. Export in the CER-file by
> means  of  the  context  menu  must leave us with a valid certificate.
> However, its signature turns out to be invalid. What is the reason? To
> get  a  right  X.509 DER certificate we must add to the selected bytes
> four  preceding  ones.

I came across this same issue and as I regularly want to be able to
extract various bits of ASN.1 (including certificates) from captures,
I added a local BER preference in my Wireshark.

It allows the ASN.1 tag and length bytes to be selected in addition to
the value - which then allows the intact, valid  ASN.1 to be  exported
as you would wish/expect. (Though it doesn't currently worked with
IMPLICITly tagged fields).

Given there is more interest than just me maybe I should check it in.

> By the way, the first two them are also 30 82, which could be the origin of 
> the confusion.

'30' indicates SEQUENCE
'82' indicates the next two bytes contain the length of the SEQUENCE

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