Thanks a lot for your hind.

This is my code I have now. If the tag is set (pkt_typ & 0x20) then the next 
packet is with UB. So I create an empty conversation. The next message don't 
have the tag so that's why in the next package the routine jumps into the 
else-path and looks for a conversation. If there is a conversation (should be 
if the previous packet has the tag), then dissect it "with_ub()" and then 
delete the conversation.

So if the tag is not set und the previous packet didn't have the tag, too, then 
the routine jumps into the else-path but doesn't find a conversation and 
dissect the packet "without_ub()". This is theory. In practise, the routine 
sometimes find a conversation although there should not be one (this packet and 
the previous packet don't have the tag). Does anybody know why?

And another problem is the src, dest, srcport and destport. It's 0 in my 
dissector, because my protocol is direct set up on the ethernet frame, so there 
is no port or address (instead of the src- and dest-MAC address).

/* check if the packet has the PKT_TYPE "hold path" - if so then set up a 
conversation - if not look for a conversation. If one exist, then this packet 
has UB */
if( pkt_type & 0x20) {
  conversation_t *conv; /* the conversation - to detect packets with User 
Buffer */
  /* create the conversation */
  conv = conversation_new(pinfo->fd->num, &pinfo->src, &pinfo->dst, 
pinfo->ptype, pinfo->srcport, pinfo->destport, 0);
  #ifdef DEBUG
    printf("%d    conversion_create() at frame_num %d\n", ++i, pinfo->fd->num);
  dissect_without_ub(tvb, pinfo, tree);
} else {
  conversation_t *conv;

  /* try to finde a conversation */
  conv = find_conversation(pinfo->fd->num, &pinfo->src, &pinfo->dst, 
pinfo->ptype, pinfo->srcport, pinfo->destport, 0);
  if(conv) {
    #ifdef DEBUG
      printf("%d    find_conversion() at frame_num %d\n", --i, pinfo->fd->num);
    dissect_with_ub(tvb, pinfo, tree);
  } else {
    dissect_without_ub(tvb, pinfo, tree);

> Hi,
> This problem can be addressed by means of conversations. See the
> README.developer on the concept and all relevant details how to use it.
> Thanx,
> Jaap
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