Hello Mike,

Thank you for the patch.
I did check it  and I have some proposal changes:

1) In epan/packet.c, epan/stream.c and wiretap/catapult_dct2000.c

2) In gtk/dcerpc_stat.c
I did add a cast, (guint) to compile with a 32 bits linux system (see the
following patch)
(See attached file: dcerpc_stat.c.diff.gz)

3) In packet_h223.c
 The hash key calculation has been changed.
-    guint hash_val = ((guint32)(key->call))^(((guint32)key->vc) << 16);
+    guint hash_val = ((guint32)key->vc)^(((guint32)key->vc) << 16);
If we change only the syntax to compile without warning, we should have:
-    guint hash_val = ((guint32)(key->call))^(((guint32)key->vc) << 16);
+    guint hash_val = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(key->call)^(((guint32)key->vc) <<

4) in gtk/expert_comp_table.c and other expert info
I think, there is a faulty cast for the expert_data.goup.
The goup, defined the expert info structure is an integer, but is used
here, as a string.
-    if (strcmp((char *)expert_data.group, "Packet:")==0) {
+    if (strcmp(GINT_TO_POINTER(expert_data.group), "Packet:")==0) {
I did make a change in the structure:
- to have the goup_value, as an integer
- and the group_column, used as a string.
So, we have not to make such cast.
(See attached file: expert_info.diff.gz)

Could you have a look to my comment, and synchronize with your patch
(because, I do not have currently a clean SVN view) ?


Attachment: dcerpc_stat.c.diff.gz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: expert_info.diff.gz
Description: Binary data

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