RayFred Pip wrote:
> Wireshark development team:
>    I want to be a developer of *wireshark* project. But I got problems 
> mainly on how to get involved into it quickly.
>    I have a wish for wireshark that I want to implement. That is to add 
> a "content playback"  functionality(playback the captured bits as its  
> original format so that human can read and understand them) for wireshark.

Hmm, usually Wireshark is used to interpret the bits to make them 
human-readable but I'm not sure what you mean by "playback."

>    It is now easy job though.And I even don't know how to get into it as 
> quickly as possible beginning from scratch.
> I have read the web pages on the official site and the Developer's Guide 
> from which I got information of how wireshark works and how to set up a 
> development environment for it ,BUT until now wireshark has become a big 
> project and software that has too many C codes .Should I begin with 
> reading codes and understand all the APIs and what anything else ...?
>    Any good suggestions please ?

When I started Wireshark coding all I read was doc/README.developer--it 
was enough to get started writing dissectors.  You "should" only need to 
go digging into Wireshark's code and header files if you're doing 
bleeding-edge not-quite-documented-yet or not-done-before stuff.
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