
> I've generated an rpm from the wireshark source code .
> The rpm was generated successfully , I used "make rpm-package".
> But when I install it using "rpm -ivh " command I'm getting the
> following error .
>  file /usr/lib/libwiretap.so.0.0.1 from install of wireshark-0.99.3a-2
> conflicts with file from package ethereal-0.10.12-1.EL4.1
> Can you please suggest what is going wrong and how I may correct it .

Wireshark as well as ethereal (the predecessor of wireshark) provide
the file /usr/lib/libwiretap.so.0.0.1. This conflict is detected by RPM.
Either deinstall ethereal or install wireshark with the option --force.

Kind regards
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