Mark Lewis wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> If I revert packet-rtp.c and packet-rtp.h to SVN 20822 and 18196
> respectively (i.e. before your updates) then the test cases I am working
> on return to normal.

You're absolutely right, there is a wee bit of a bug in there :/.

If you want a quick hack, change 'tvb' to 'newtvb' in the 
process_rtp_payload() call on line 558 of packet-rtp.c.

> However, the example capture I sent in my previous post is still not the
> same as in 0.99.4. I picked this capture at random as the test cases I
> am working on are broken for other reasons.
> It is possible that I misunderstand what the example I sent is supposed
> to show, or there is another problem in addition to anything added by
> the latest changes to packet-rtp.c and packet-rtp.h.

Yes, the h223-over-rtp capture is doing something a bit odd too - I'll 
look into that. But it's not really supposed to look like it does under 
0.99.4 - it depends on some new functionality that hasn't been committed 
to trunk yet for proper dissection.

I'll do a bit more investigation and testing, then submit a new patch.

Sorry about that, and thanks for the bug report.

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