> On Tue, Feb 20, 2007 at 01:25:08AM -0600, Andy Howell wrote:
>>      I've just added support for "tap" and stats_tree in my 
>> dissector.  I would like to have a stats_tree-like display that 
>> includes my own columns. In particular, I want a summary of the number 
>> of bytes sent by each message type in my protocol.
>> I can see three options:
>> 1) Modify the existing stats_tree code to handle a developer defined 
>> set of columns.
> This is probably the best method to start an attempt at, hpoefully 
> without requiring changes to the existing dissectors that use the 
> stats tree API.


Having studied the code some more, this looks reasonable. My plan is to 
leave the existing interface intact, and add a new extended 
stats_tree_register_ex that takes an array of column names and a 
callback function to write column data to a buffer for use by the 
underlying gtk and tshark presentation code.


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