
> I have some ASN.1 captures with a octetstring containing another ASN.
> 1 block.
> This is shown as:
>   OCTETSTRING: 308204CE81...
> I would really like to have a "Decode Selected Bytes As" function to
> dissect this block as ASN.1 without having to "Export Selected Packet
> Bytes..." to another file and then have to open this file.  Any ideas
> how this could be implemented?

This must be the case where there is nothing else in the ASN.1 file
that can give you a hint as to how to decode the OCTETSTRING I guess.

A couple of things spring to mind:
1) as a preference, "auto-detect" ASN.1 when decoding BER OCTETSTRINGs
and dissect as unknown BER.
2) Add a menu item - "Decode Bytes in New Window" - which would bring
up something like "Show Packet in New Window" - but just decoding the
selected bytes as BER.

> Is it possible to add another entry to the Packet List after such a
> dissection?

I guess it is possible, but it would need some communication between
the dissector and the BER wtap.

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