First of all, thanks to Ulf for making Wireshark compile on MSVC++ 2005 
Express Edition so I can try it out without buying the compiler.

I'm having problems when I run Wireshark built with this compiler 
though.  I'm running it out of the c:\wireshark\wireshark-gtk2\ 
directory.  When I start a capture, I get a generic error:


Wireshark has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry 
for the inconvenience.


With a link to another error that says:


Error Signature
AppName: wireshark.exe  AppVer:   ModName: msvcr80.dll
ModVer: 8.0.50727.42    Offset: 0001eb33


When I run MSVC++ and attach to the process to debug before it crashes, 
it fails on line 650 of gui_utils.c.  The line is within pipe_timer_cb() 
and says:

        handle = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (pipe_input->source);

The call stack points to:

        wireshark.exe!pipe_timer_cb(void * dta=0x0057b4c8) Line 650 + 
        0xc bytes

Any idea what could be going wrong?  Sorry, I'm not more familiar with 
debugging on Windows.


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