* Can you test it against 0.99.5pre1?
I cannot make it crash (works OK for me), could you send the capture
file that does crash?
Could you eventually send in also the output of wireshark -v


sub_buf = buffer( 4, buffer:len() - 4 ):tvb()
is the same as
sub_buf = buffer(4):tvb()

On 1/22/07, Scott Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using Lua to create a dissector for a protocol that has IP
> encapsulated inside TCP with an additional header. Everything works fine
> until I try to create a new tvb off from a tvbsubrange. When I do this,
> Wireshark crashes. The new tvb appeared correct when I added debug
> statements (pointing at the correct data, and length are correct).
> The Lua and Wireshark docs refered to the Tvb.new_subset function to create
> a new sub tvb for an encapsulated protocol. I couldn't get that to work and
> used something like buffer(4,n):tvb().
> I've only been looking at the Wireshark and Lua code for a short time now,
> so I'm hoping I'm just coding something up wrong. Any pointers would be
> greatly appreciated.
> Here's a sample of the code that was crashing. If I comment out the line
> that tries to pass the new sub tvb to the ip dissector, or just pass the
> original buffer to the ip dissector, wireshark doesn't crash (although it
> doesn't decode like I need it too)
> Thanks.
> -Scott
> -- Define our protocol
> my_proto  = Proto("myproto", "MINE", "My Protocol")
> -- Create a function to dissect my_proto
> function my_proto.dissector( buffer, pinfo, tree )
>    local subtree = tree:add( my_proto, buffer, "My Proto Header" )
>    subtree:add( buffer(0,1), "Version: "  .. buffer(0,1):uint() )
>     subtree:add( buffer(1,1), "Type: "     .. buffer(1,1):uint() )
>    subtree:add( buffer(2,2), "Sequence: " .. buffer(2,2):uint() )
>    ip_dissector = Dissector.get("ip")
>    -- skip over the header in front of the encapsulated ip packet
>    sub_buf = buffer( 4, buffer:len() - 4 ):tvb()
>    ip_dissector:call( sub_buf, pinfo, tree )
> end
> -- load the tcp port table
> tcp_table = DissectorTable.get("tcp.port")
> -- register our protocol
> tcp_table:add(7000, my_proto)
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