
This is a patch adding items to the context menus for the packet list
and packet details panes for copying packet data to the clipboard.

New menu item on packet list pane:
Copy (sub menu) ->
        Summary (Text)          Copies fields displayed in the packet
list, tab separated
        Summary (CSV)           Copies fields displayed in the packet
list, comma separated
        Hex and Text            Copies data for the selected frame in
hex-editor style (similar to Copy\All Information in packet bytes pane)
        Text Only               Copies data for the selected frame,
dropping non-printable characters other than line breaks (similar to
Copy\Text Only in packet bytes pane)
        Hex Columns             As Hex and Text but without text
        Hex Stream              Copies data for the selected frame as an
unpunctuated list of hex values
        Base64 Stream           Copies data for the selected frame
encoded using Base64
        Binary Stream           Copies raw packet bytes to the clipboard
as MIME type application/octet-stream

Binary stream is supported only in GTK2 builds (the menu item is not
present for GTK+). Some hex editors (e.g. frhed for Windows) can
retreive the stream from the clipboard and modify it or paste it into
files. I haven't been able to find a similar editor under LINUX, but the
data does seem to get copied to the clipboard.

The packet details pane is the same except:
 - main menu item is "Copy Selected Bytes"
 - only the bytes that would be selected in the packet bytes pane are
copied (e.g. if you select HTTP row you get only the HTTP bytes)
 - no "Summary Items"

I'm not convinced that Base64 is useful; I wanted to implement a
non-trivial encoding to test a particular path through the code. I'd
like to come back at some point and update the "Text Only" items to work
better for UTF-8; at the moment they will probably garble non-ascii text
(but are consistent with the existing Text Only copy from the bytes

"application/octect-stream" is the best MIME-type I could think of for
raw packet data. Other ideas welcome!

I have not updated any documentation because I cannot find a description
of what context menu items do anywhere (main menu items are listed in
the man page). If I should have done, please let me know.



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Attachment: wp1_copy.patch
Description: wp1_copy.patch

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