Ulf Lamping wrote:
>>  It depends how long we have to wait for the branching to take place.
> Hi!
> I'm currently deep in the process of bringing compilation on "various" 
> Microsoft compiler variants to life, and I'm making good progress.
> There are some (minor) things left to be solved, which I think I'll need a 
> few days more.
> I feel to be involved in the following items of the 0.99.5 roadmap:
> - "Use the "User's Guide" as the online help system": that's almost finished, 
> I *might* be able to complete this in the next days as well
> - "Version checking / Windows updater": I've started to work on this but this 
> is far from being complete - move to 0.99.6?
> What about releasing a new version somewhere around the start of next week 
> (if everything goes well)?

How about a prerelease on Monday, followed by a final release later in
the week (assuming everything goes well)?
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