On Jan 8, 2007, at 10:30 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Could anyone please explain how the above values produced such  
> display ( version : 4 , header length : 24 , etc. ) in the wireshark  
> gui.

Step 1: order a copy of

        TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1

and read chapters 1, 2, and 3.

Step 2: armed with what you've learned from that book about the format  
of Ethernet headers and IP headers, look at the first 14 bytes of data  
in the packet (you'll now know how that produces the display you see  
for the Ethernet data in the Wireshark GUI) and then look at the next  
24 bytes of data after that (you'll now know how that produces the  
display you see for the IP data in the Wireshark GUI).
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