Douglas Pratley wrote:
> That's great. Now that I've demonstrated to our management that we can
> get changes into the Wireshark code (so long as they're useful to
> everybody), I'll be sitting down with the guys who use Wireshark a lot
> here and looking at the Wireshark wishlist; hopefully I'll be given the
> time to do more stuff!
> Quite right about the GNU library - as I was developing on Win32 it
> wasn't true even for me! If I read things correctly my assumption is
> true for (at least) all POSIX compliant systems and for Win32. If there
> is a platform out there that has a non-zero time_t value for epoch I
> would be surprised.
Some thoughts about the menu item "Seconds Since Epoch Time:   
123.123456" entry.

As a Windows user I don't know what an "epoch time" is. Would it be 
better to use "Seconds Since Unix Epoch" or even better "Seconds Since 

The time stamp example doesn't reflect the typical value and confuses 
the user with the "since beginning of capture" item, it might be much 
better to use something like "1234567890.123456" which reflects the 
typical value a user will see.

Any reasons against these changes?

Regards, ULFL
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