I sent a mail to the authors of RFC4590 and they claim that the table
and IANA is wrong... So stick with:

106 is Digest-Response-Auth
107 is Digest-Nextnonce


The response I got from Wolfgang:



> In table 2 the Digest-Nextnonce and Digest-Response-Auth are numbered 
> 106 and 107. But furthur down they are numbered in reverse order.
This is ugly. The numbering is consistent in the main text
and in the attributes table. The exception is section 7, IANA
considerations. It's wrong in the IANA registry www.iana.org as well. 

Not an excuse, but an explanation: the IANA section is inserted at the
end of the standardization process. It did not get the same attention
and review time as the rest of the text.

> If you already know about this problem I am sorry for
> spamming you. But I feel it is important that this error 
> doesn't sneek it's way into implementations...

Hopefully, the implementors will stick to the text and to the attribute
table in section 5.

I've cc'ed this mail to the chairs of the RADEXT WG. We should correct
the IANA registry entries and issue an errata.

106 is Digest-Response-Auth
107 is Digest-Nextnonce


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