
i have written a Parser for the Realtime Ethernet Protocol EhterCAT devolped by

Beckhoff Automation GbmH as plugin in wireshark. I tested the plugin with windows

and with the linux suse distribution.Information to EtheCAT can be found on ethercat.org.


I would like this plugin to be part of the wireshark installation and would like to know how I

should proceed now.  


The ethertype for the Beckhoff realtime Ehternet protocols is 88A4. The 88A4 header has a

type field that specifies the following Protocols


                        1 = EtherCAT   

                        2 = ADS ( Beckhoff mailbox protocol)

                        3 = Raw-Io

                        4 = Network Variables

                        5 = EtherCAT mailbox


that are included in the plugin. The 88A4 protocol is also dissected if the udp port is 88A4.

The ADS protocol is also dissected if the tcp port is 0xbf02.


Best regards

Richard Kuemmel



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