Cook, Timothy wrote:
> Have you explored the possibility of building using the recommended MSVC
> 6/ CYGWIN combination???

A It makes it hard to understand the cause and effect.
Q What's wrong with top-posting?

I have Visual Studio .Net Professional 2003 and Visual Studio
Professional 2005. These days MSVC 6 is effectively unobtainable, at
least in my part of the world.

I have built Ethereal with VS 2003. I have not yet tried Wireshark or VS

Shame about MS's license conditions.

>>-----Original Message-----
>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
>>Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 6:19 AM
>>Subject: [Wireshark-dev] A problem of building wireshark 
>>under cygwin(libpcap)
>>I met a problem when I was trying to build wireshark under 
>>cygwin, it reported following errors when I ran ./configure:
>>Checking pcap.h presence... no
>>Configure: error: Header file pcap.h not found; if you 
>>installed libpcap from source, did you also do "make 
>>install-incl", and if you installed a binary package of 
>>libpcap, is there also a developer's package of libpcap, and 
>>did you also install that package?
>>I can not found libpcap in cygwin lib lists, I also download 
>>libpcap-0.8.1, but can not installed in cygwin environment. 
>>It reported following error:
>>Checking for ANSI ioctl definitions... No
>>Configure:error: see the INSTALL for more info.
>>I also installed winpcap, but still could not work. Are there 
>>anyone can tell me, how to install libpcap in wireshark? Or 
>>tell me how to handle this problem in Wireshark?

There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes.
                -- Dr. Who
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