To give you an example what you have to maintain for GTK2 on MacOS X. This is the list of dependent packages to link to for GTK2 under MacOS X atk1 atk1-shlibs gettext-bin gettext-dev gettext-tools glib2 glib2-dev glib2-shlibs gtk+2 gtk+2-dev gtk-doc libiconv libiconv-dev libpcap libpcap-shlibs libjpeg libjpeg-shlibs libpng3 libpng3-shlibs libtiff libtiff-shlibs pango1-xft2-dev pcre pcre-shlibs pkgconfig x11-dev x11-shlibs xft2-dev xft2-shlibs while the same with GTK1 is glib-1.2 gtk+1.2 Normal users have none of them installed Andreas Fink Fink Consulting GmbH --------------------------------------------------------------- Tel: +41-61-6666332 Fax: +41-61-6666331 Mobile: +41-79-2457333 Address: Clarastrasse 3, 4058 Basel, Switzerland Homepage: --------------------------------------------------------------- ICQ: 8239353 MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED] AIM: smsrelay Skype: andreasfink Yahoo: finkconsulting SMS: +41792457333 |
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