can you

1, change the dissector to be a new style dissector (i.e. change the
dissector to return TRUE/FALSE and check that the packet looks like
LCS before dissecting it.    see prevvious comments about new-style
dissector for why and how)
make the heuristics as strong asd possible !

2, set the default port it registers on to the default port that is
used by implementations and not 0.

3, create a nice wiki page

4, upload sample captures we can test with to the wiki

5, change the name from ethereal to wireshark

On 7/14/06, Sean Sheedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Attached is a packet disassembly module I wrote for Pegasus Lightweight
> Stream Control, a protocol used by some cable set-top boxes for
> video-on-demand.  I would appreciate it being added to the source base.
> Thanks.
> Sean
> --
> Sean Sheedy
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