> > Hi, thanks! I will do a search for devices that uses those chips.
> Adrian, Ed and I had a chat last year about possible devices we could
> find on each side of the pond.  I can go and dig that out if needed.
> I had some trouble in the EU in getting what was said (some products had
> silently updated the chipset already).

It's not easy to find the correct version/revision because almost all
stores don't show it in product details.

For tp-link I found that same product have 5 different versions, with 3
including RTL8812AU....
It will not be easy to buy one.


I will continue to search for a store that includes ver/rev in product


Nuno Teixeira
FreeBSD UNIX:  <edua...@freebsd.org>   Web:  https://FreeBSD.org

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