On Thu, 7 Apr 2022 17:14:26 +0000 (UTC) "Bjoern A. Zeeb" <b...@freebsd.org> 
> Hi,
> I have reports from at least three people saying that atfer the March 27
> update associating has become hard and they see firmware crashes.
> These were on 8265 / 9560 chipsets.  Some of you tried to gather data
> for me as well, testing out patches without a positive outcome.
> I've been able to reproduce this in the lap with a freshly installed 8265.
> Just wanted to give you that update that I am looking into it.
> I hope I'll have a further update soon.
> Bjoern

I was one of those people reporting this.  I have an 8265.

For me, applying Bjoern's rssi patch AND also making sure that iwm does
not load first by using in rc.conf:
solves the firmware crash and allows iwlwifi to load and associate cleanly
on boot.


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