On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 13:06, steve virgin <st...@mediafocusuk.com> wrote:
> In terms of this discussion about breaking down diversity barriers, we’ve
> had some limited success with the two events we have ran in Bristol
> recently:
> http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/Bristol_Wiki_Academy_1 (March 19)
> http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/WikiConference_UK_2011 (April 16)
> A large number of women students etc attended the Academy (about half of the
> 20 present) and they came mainly from this group in the URL below:
> http://bristolgirlgeekdinners.com/ (you’ll notice they kindly publicised our
> AGM on the front page of their website)
> We also saw one or two from the same group at the AGM – I believe they are
> now members of Wikimedia UK (so welcome if you are reading this)
> I think we have a ‘regional opportunity’ to reach out and diversify our
> membership base here. I urge other Wikipedians to look for similar groups
> across the country and to go and talk to them about our work and invite them
> to collaborate on events together, as we undoubtedly hold a lot in common in
> terms of mutual interest.

There are Girl Geek Dinner groups across Britain: London, Brighton,
Nottingham, Manchester, Leeds, Hull, Reading, Bristol, Oxford,
Winchester, South Yorkshire, Plymouth, Dorset and Birmingham.

I've added that list to the Institutional outreach page:

I've also posted on Twitter saying that WMUK may be interested in
doing events/outreach with the London GGD community.

Any ideas where we can run Wikimedia Academy events in London? I was
talking to someone on IRC who suggested collaborating with coworking
spaces. Alternatively, it would be very useful if, especially in
London, there were a few standard places we could use to run
outreach-focussed Wikimedia Academy/editathon type events. Any ideas?

Tom Morris

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