See my answer.

Diff comments:

> === modified file 'src/ai/'
> --- src/ai/       2019-05-26 11:39:41 +0000
> +++ src/ai/       2019-07-24 19:32:22 +0000
> @@ -3756,318 +3813,341 @@
>  // connection is not known
>  bool DefaultAI::create_shortcut_road(const Flag& flag,
>                                       uint16_t checkradius,
> -                                     int16_t min_reduction,
>                                       uint32_t gametime) {
> -     // Increasing the failed_connection_tries counter
> -     // At the same time it indicates a time an economy is without a 
> warehouse
> -     EconomyObserver* eco = get_economy_observer(flag.economy());
> -     // if we passed grace time this will be last attempt and if it fails
> -     // building is destroyes
> -     bool last_attempt_ = false;
> -
> -     // this should not happen, but if the economy has a warehouse and a 
> dismantle
> -     // grace time set, we must 'zero' the dismantle grace time
> -     if (!flag.get_economy()->warehouses().empty() &&
> -         eco->dismantle_grace_time != std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
> -             eco->dismantle_grace_time = 
> std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
> -     }
> -
> -     // first we deal with situations when this is economy with no warehouses
> -     // and this is a flag belonging to a building/constructionsite
> -     // such economy must get dismantle grace time (if not set yet)
> -     // end sometimes extended checkradius
> -     if (flag.get_economy()->warehouses().empty() && flag.get_building()) {
> -
> -             // occupied military buildings get special treatment
> -             // (extended grace time + longer radius)
> -             bool occupied_military_ = false;
> -             Building* b = flag.get_building();
> -             if (upcast(MilitarySite, militb, b)) {
> -                     if 
> (militb->soldier_control()->stationed_soldiers().size() > 0) {
> -                             occupied_military_ = true;
> -                     }
> -             }
> -
> -             // check if we are within grace time, if not or gracetime unset 
> we need to do something
> -             // if we are within gracetime we do nothing (this loop is 
> skipped)
> -
> -             // if grace time is not set, this is probably first time 
> without a warehouse and we must set
> -             // it
> -             if (eco->dismantle_grace_time == 
> std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
> -
> -                     // constructionsites
> -                     if (upcast(ConstructionSite const, constructionsite, 
> flag.get_building())) {
> -                             BuildingObserver& bo =
> -                                
> get_building_observer(constructionsite->building().name().c_str());
> -                             // first very special case - a port (in the 
> phase of constructionsite)
> -                             // this might be a new colonization port
> -                             if ( {
> -                                     eco->dismantle_grace_time = gametime + 
> 60 * 60 * 1000;  // one hour should be enough
> -                             } else {  // other constructionsites, usually 
> new (standalone) constructionsites
> -                                     eco->dismantle_grace_time =
> -                                        gametime + 30 * 1000 +            // 
> very shot time is enough
> -                                        (eco->flags.size() * 30 * 1000);  // 
> + 30 seconds for every flag in economy
> -                             }
> -
> -                             // buildings
> -                     } else {
> -
> -                             if (occupied_military_) {
> -                                     eco->dismantle_grace_time =
> -                                        (gametime + 90 * 60 * 1000) + 
> (eco->flags.size() * 20 * 1000);
> -
> -                             } else {  // for other normal buildings
> -                                     eco->dismantle_grace_time =
> -                                        gametime + (45 * 60 * 1000) + 
> (eco->flags.size() * 20 * 1000);
> -                             }
> -                     }
> -
> -                     // we have passed grace_time - it is time to dismantle
> -             } else if (eco->dismantle_grace_time <= gametime) {
> -                     last_attempt_ = true;
> -                     // we increase a check radius in last attempt
> -                     checkradius += 2;
> -             }
> -
> -             // and bonus for occupied military buildings:
> -             if (occupied_military_) {
> -                     checkradius += 4;
> -             }
> -
> -             // and generally increase radius for unconnected buildings
> -             checkradius += 2;
> -     }
> -
> -     // Now own roadfinding stuff
> -     const Map& map = game().map();
> -
> -     // initializing new object of FlagsForRoads, we will push there all 
> candidate flags
> -     // First we dont even know if a road can be built there (from current 
> flag)
> -     Widelands::FlagsForRoads RoadCandidates(min_reduction);
> -
> -     FindNodeWithFlagOrRoad functor;
> -     CheckStepRoadAI check(player_, MOVECAPS_WALK, true);
> -
> -     // get all flags within radius
> -     std::vector<Coords> reachable;
> -     map.find_reachable_fields(
> -        Area<FCoords>(map.get_fcoords(flag.get_position()), checkradius), 
> &reachable, check, functor);
> -
> -     for (const Coords& reachable_coords : reachable) {
> -
> -             // ignore starting flag, of course
> -             if (reachable_coords == flag.get_position()) {
> -                     continue;
> -             }
> -
> -             // first make sure there is an immovable (should be, but still)
> -             if (upcast(PlayerImmovable const, player_immovable, 
> map[reachable_coords].get_immovable())) {
> -
> -                     // if it is the road, make a flag there
> -                     if (dynamic_cast<const 
> Road*>(map[reachable_coords].get_immovable())) {
> -                             game().send_player_build_flag(player_number(), 
> reachable_coords);
> -                     }
> -
> -                     // do not go on if it is not a flag
> -                     if (!dynamic_cast<const 
> Flag*>(map[reachable_coords].get_immovable())) {
> -                             continue;
> -                     }
> -
> -                     // testing if a flag/road's economy has a warehouse, if 
> not we are not
> -                     // interested to connect to it
> -                     if (player_immovable->economy().warehouses().size() == 
> 0) {
> -                             continue;
> -                     }
> -
> -                     // This is a candidate, sending all necessary info to 
> RoadCandidates
> -                     const bool different_economy = 
> (player_immovable->get_economy() != flag.get_economy());
> -                     const int32_t air_distance = 
> map.calc_distance(flag.get_position(), reachable_coords);
> -                     if 
> (!RoadCandidates.has_candidate(reachable_coords.hash())) {
> -                             RoadCandidates.add_flag(reachable_coords, 
> air_distance, different_economy);
> -                     }
> -             }
> -     }
> -
> -     // now we walk over roads and if field is reachable by roads, we change 
> the distance assigned
> -     // above
> -     std::map<uint32_t, NearFlag> nearflags;  // only used to collect flags 
> reachable walk over roads
> -     nearflags[flag.get_position().hash()] = NearFlag(&flag, 0);
> -
> -     // Algorithm to walk on roads
> -     // All nodes are marked as to_be_checked == true first and once the 
> node is checked it is changed
> -     // to false. Under some conditions, the same node can be checked twice, 
> the to_be_checked can
> -     // be set back to true. Because less hoops (fewer flag-to-flag roads) 
> does not always mean
> -     // shortest
> -     // road.
> -     for (;;) {
> -             // looking for a node with shortest existing road distance from 
> starting flag and one that has
> -             // to be checked
> -             uint32_t start_field = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
> -             uint32_t nearest_distance = 10000;
> -             for (auto item : nearflags) {
> -                     if (item.second.current_road_distance < 
> nearest_distance && item.second.to_be_checked) {
> -                             nearest_distance = 
> item.second.current_road_distance;
> -                             start_field = item.first;
> -                     }
> -             }
> -             // OK, we failed to find a NearFlag where to_be_checked == 
> true, so quitting the loop now
> -             if (start_field == std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
> -                     break;
> -             }
> -
> -             nearflags[start_field].to_be_checked = false;
> -
> -             // Now going over roads leading from this flag
> -             for (uint8_t i = 1; i <= 6; ++i) {
> -                     Road* const road = 
> nearflags[start_field].flag->get_road(i);
> -
> -                     if (!road) {
> -                             continue;
> -                     }
> -
> -                     Flag* endflag = &road->get_flag(Road::FlagStart);
> -
> -                     if (endflag == nearflags[start_field].flag) {
> -                             endflag = &road->get_flag(Road::FlagEnd);
> -                     }
> -
> -                     const uint32_t endflag_hash = 
> endflag->get_position().hash();
> -
> -                     const int32_t dist = 
> map.calc_distance(flag.get_position(), endflag->get_position());
> -
> -                     if (dist > checkradius + 2) {  //  Testing bigger 
> vicinity then checkradius....
> -                             continue;
> -                     }
> -
> -                     // There is few scenarios for this neighbour flag
> -                     if (nearflags.count(endflag_hash) == 0) {
> -                             // This is brand new flag
> -                             nearflags[endflag_hash] =
> -                                NearFlag(endflag, 
> nearflags[start_field].current_road_distance +
> -                                                     
> road->get_path().get_nsteps());
> -                     } else {
> -                             // We know about this flag already
> -                             if 
> (nearflags[endflag_hash].current_road_distance >
> -                                 
> nearflags[start_field].current_road_distance + road->get_path().get_nsteps()) 
> {
> -                                     // ..but this current connection is 
> shorter than one found before
> -                                     
> nearflags[endflag_hash].current_road_distance =
> -                                        
> nearflags[start_field].current_road_distance + road->get_path().get_nsteps();
> -                                     // So let re-check neighbours once more
> -                                     nearflags[endflag_hash].to_be_checked = 
> true;
> -                             }
> -                     }
> -             }
> -     }
> -
> -     // Sending calculated walking costs from nearflags to RoadCandidates to 
> update info on
> -     // Candidate flags/roads
> -     for (auto& nf_walk : nearflags) {
> -             // NearFlag contains also flags beyond check radius, these are 
> not relevent for us
> -             if 
> (RoadCandidates.has_candidate(nf_walk.second.flag->get_position().hash())) {
> -                     RoadCandidates.set_cur_road_distance(
> -                        nf_walk.second.flag->get_position(), 
> nf_walk.second.current_road_distance);
> -             }
> -     }
> -
> -     // Here we must consider how much are buildable fields lacking
> -     // the number will be transformed to a weight passed to findpath 
> function
> -     int32_t fields_necessity = 0;
> -     if (spots_ < kSpotsTooLittle) {
> -             fields_necessity += 10;
> -     }
> -     if (map_allows_seafaring_ && num_ports == 0) {
> -             fields_necessity += 10;
> -     }
> -     if (num_ports < 4) {
> -             fields_necessity += 5;
> -     }
> -     if (spots_ < kSpotsEnough) {
> -             fields_necessity += 5;
> -     }
> -     fields_necessity *= 
> std::abs(management_data.get_military_number_at(64)) * 5;
> -
> -     // We need to sort these flags somehow, because we are not going to 
> investigate all of them
> -     // so sorting first by current road length (that might contain fake 
> values for flags that were
> -     // not reached over roads) and secondary by air_distance (nearer flags 
> first)
> -     std::sort(std::begin(RoadCandidates.flags_queue), 
> std::end(RoadCandidates.flags_queue),
> -               [](const FlagsForRoads::Candidate& a, const 
> FlagsForRoads::Candidate& b) {
> -                       // Here we are doing a kind of bucketing
> -                       const int32_t a_length = a.current_road_length / 50;
> -                       const int32_t b_length = b.current_road_length / 50;
> -                       return std::tie(b_length, a.air_distance) < 
> std::tie(a_length, b.air_distance);
> -               });
> -
> -     // Now we calculate roads from here to few best looking 
> RoadCandidates....
> -     uint32_t possible_roads_count = 0;
> -     uint32_t current = 0;  // hash of flag that we are going to calculate 
> in the iteration
> -     while (possible_roads_count < 5 && 
> RoadCandidates.get_best_uncalculated(&current)) {
> -             const Widelands::Coords coords = Coords::unhash(current);
> -             Path path;
> -
> -             // value of pathcost is not important, it just indicates, that 
> the path can be built
> -             // We send this information to RoadCandidates, with length of 
> possible road if applicable
> -             const int32_t pathcost =
> -                map.findpath(flag.get_position(), coords, 0, path, check, 0, 
> fields_necessity);
> -             if (pathcost >= 0) {
> -                     RoadCandidates.road_possible(coords, path.get_nsteps());
> -                     possible_roads_count += 1;
> -             }
> -     }
> -
> -     // re-sorting again, now by reduction score (custom operator specified 
> in .h file)
> -     std::sort(std::begin(RoadCandidates.flags_queue), 
> std::end(RoadCandidates.flags_queue));
> -
> -     // Well and finally building the winning road (if any)
> -     uint32_t winner_hash = 0;
> -     if (RoadCandidates.get_winner(&winner_hash)) {
> -             const Widelands::Coords target_coords = 
> Coords::unhash(winner_hash);
> -             Path& path = *new Path();
> +    // Increasing the failed_connection_tries counter
> +    // At the same time it indicates a time an economy is without a warehouse
> +    EconomyObserver* eco = get_economy_observer(flag.economy());
> +    // if we passed grace time this will be last attempt and if it fails
> +    // building is destroyes
> +    bool last_attempt_ = false;
> +
> +    // this should not happen, but if the economy has a warehouse and a 
> dismantle
> +    // grace time set, we must 'zero' the dismantle grace time
> +    if (!flag.get_economy()->warehouses().empty() &&
> +        eco->dismantle_grace_time != kNever) {
> +        eco->dismantle_grace_time = kNever;
> +    }
> +
> +    // first we deal with situations when this is economy with no warehouses
> +    // and this is a flag belonging to a building/constructionsite
> +    // such economy must get dismantle grace time (if not set yet)
> +    // end sometimes extended checkradius
> +    if (flag.get_economy()->warehouses().empty() && flag.get_building()) {
> +
> +        // occupied military buildings get special treatment
> +        // (extended grace time + longer radius)
> +        bool occupied_military_ = false;
> +        Building* b = flag.get_building();
> +        if (upcast(MilitarySite, militb, b)) {
> +            if (militb->soldier_control()->stationed_soldiers().size() > 0) {
> +                occupied_military_ = true;
> +            }
> +        }
> +
> +        // check if we are within grace time, if not or gracetime unset we 
> need to do something
> +        // if we are within gracetime we do nothing (this loop is skipped)
> +
> +        // if grace time is not set, this is probably first time without a 
> warehouse and we must set
> +        // it
> +        if (eco->dismantle_grace_time == kNever) {
> +
> +            // constructionsites
> +            if (upcast(ConstructionSite const, constructionsite, 
> flag.get_building())) {
> +                BuildingObserver& bo =
> +                   
> get_building_observer(constructionsite->building().name().c_str());
> +                // first very special case - a port (in the phase of 
> constructionsite)
> +                // this might be a new colonization port
> +                if ( {
> +                    eco->dismantle_grace_time = gametime + 60 * 60 * 1000;  
> // one hour should be enough
> +                } else {  // other constructionsites, usually new 
> (standalone) constructionsites
> +                    eco->dismantle_grace_time =
> +                       gametime + 30 * 1000 +            // very shot time 
> is enough
> +                       (eco->flags.size() * 30 * 1000);  // + 30 seconds for 
> every flag in economy
> +                }
> +
> +                // buildings
> +            } else {
> +
> +                if (occupied_military_) {
> +                    eco->dismantle_grace_time =
> +                       (gametime + 90 * 60 * 1000) + (eco->flags.size() * 20 
> * 1000);
> +
> +                } else {  // for other normal buildings
> +                    eco->dismantle_grace_time =
> +                       gametime + (45 * 60 * 1000) + (eco->flags.size() * 20 
> * 1000);
> +                }
> +            }
> +
> +            // we have passed grace_time - it is time to dismantle
> +        } else if (eco->dismantle_grace_time <= gametime) {
> +            last_attempt_ = true;
> +            // we increase a check radius in last attempt
> +            checkradius += 2;
> +        }
> +
> +        // and bonus for occupied military buildings:
> +        if (occupied_military_) {
> +            checkradius += 4;
> +        }
> +
> +        // and generally increase radius for unconnected buildings
> +        checkradius += 2;
> +    }
> +
> +    // Now own roadfinding stuff
> +    const Map& map = game().map();
> +
> +    // Initializing new object of FlagsForRoads, we will push there all 
> candidate flags
> +    // First we dont even know if a road can be built there (from current 
> flag)
> +    // Adding also distance of this flag to nearest wh
> +    uint32_t tmp_wh; // This information is not used, but we need it
> +    const uint32_t current_flag_dist_to_wh = flag_warehouse_distance.
> +            get_distance(flag.get_position().hash(), gametime, &tmp_wh);
> +
> +    FlagCandidates flag_candidates(current_flag_dist_to_wh);
> +
> +    FindNodeWithFlagOrRoad functor;
> +    CheckStepRoadAI check(player_, MOVECAPS_WALK, true);
> +
> +    // get all flags within radius
> +    std::vector<Coords> reachable;
> +    map.find_reachable_fields(
> +       Area<FCoords>(map.get_fcoords(flag.get_position()), checkradius), 
> &reachable, check, functor);
> +
> +    for (const Coords& reachable_coords : reachable) {
> +
> +        // ignore starting flag, of course
> +        if (reachable_coords == flag.get_position()) {
> +            continue;
> +        }
> +
> +        const uint32_t reachable_coords_hash = reachable_coords.hash();
> +
> +        // first make sure there is an immovable (should be, but still)
> +        if (upcast(PlayerImmovable const, player_immovable, 
> map[reachable_coords].get_immovable())) {
> +
> +            // if it is the road, make a flag there
> +            if (dynamic_cast<const 
> Road*>(map[reachable_coords].get_immovable())) {
> +                game().send_player_build_flag(player_number(), 
> reachable_coords);
> +            }
> +
> +            // do not go on if it is not a flag
> +            if (!dynamic_cast<const 
> Flag*>(map[reachable_coords].get_immovable())) {
> +                continue;
> +            }
> +
> +            // testing if a flag/road's economy has a warehouse, if not we 
> are not
> +            // interested to connect to it
> +            if (player_immovable->economy().warehouses().size() == 0) {
> +                continue;
> +            }
> +
> +            // This is a candidate, sending all necessary info to 
> RoadCandidates
> +            const bool different_economy = (player_immovable->get_economy() 
> != flag.get_economy());
> +                     const uint16_t air_distance = 
> map.calc_distance(flag.get_position(), reachable_coords);
> +
> +            if (!flag_candidates.has_candidate(reachable_coords_hash) && 
> !flag_warehouse_distance.get_road_prohibited(reachable_coords_hash, 
> gametime)) {
> +                flag_candidates.add_flag(reachable_coords_hash, 
> different_economy,
> +                flag_warehouse_distance.get_distance(reachable_coords_hash, 
> gametime, &tmp_wh), air_distance);
> +            }
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    // now we walk over roads and if field is reachable by roads, we change 
> the distance assigned
> +    // above
> +    std::map<uint32_t, NearFlag> nearflags;  // only used to collect flags 
> reachable walk over roads
> +    nearflags[flag.get_position().hash()] = NearFlag(&flag, 0);
> +
> +    collect_nearflags(nearflags, flag, checkradius);
> +
> +
> +
> +    // Sending calculated walking costs from nearflags to RoadCandidates to 
> update info on
> +    // Candidate flags/roads
> +    for (auto& nf_walk : nearflags) {
> +             const uint32_t nf_hash = 
> nf_walk.second.flag->get_position().hash();
> +        // NearFlag contains also flags beyond check radius, these are not 
> relevent for us
> +        if (flag_candidates.has_candidate(nf_hash)) {
> +            flag_candidates.set_cur_road_distance(
> +               nf_hash, nf_walk.second.current_road_distance);
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    // Here we must consider how much are buildable fields lacking
> +    // the number will be transformed to a weight passed to findpath function
> +    int32_t fields_necessity = 0;
> +    if (spots_ < kSpotsTooLittle) {
> +        fields_necessity += 10;
> +    }
> +    if (map_allows_seafaring_ && num_ports == 0) {
> +        fields_necessity += 10;
> +    }
> +    if (num_ports < 4) {
> +        fields_necessity += 5;
> +    }
> +    if (spots_ < kSpotsEnough) {
> +        fields_necessity += 5;
> +    }
> +
> +    fields_necessity *= std::abs(management_data.get_military_number_at(64)) 
> * 5;
> +
> +    // Now we calculate roads from here to few best looking 
> RoadCandidates....
> +    flag_candidates.sort_by_air_distance();
> +    uint32_t possible_roads_count = 0;
> +    for (const auto &flag_candidate : flag_candidates.flags()) {
> +        if (possible_roads_count > 10) {break;}
> +        const Widelands::Coords coords = 
> Coords::unhash(flag_candidate.coords_hash);
> +        Path path;
> +
> +        // value of pathcost is not important, it just indicates, that the 
> path can be built
> +        // We send this information to RoadCandidates, with length of 
> possible road if applicable
> +        const int32_t pathcost =
> +           map.findpath(flag.get_position(), coords, 0, path, check, 0, 
> fields_necessity);
> +        if (pathcost >= 0) {
> +            flag_candidates.set_road_possible(flag_candidate.coords_hash, 
> path.get_nsteps());
> +            possible_roads_count += 1;
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    // re-sorting again now by default by a score
> +    flag_candidates.sort();
> +
> +
> +    // Well and finally building the winning road (if any)
> +    const int32_t winner_min_score = (spots_ < kSpotsTooLittle) ? 50 : 25;
> +
> +    FlagCandidates::Candidate* winner = 
> flag_candidates.get_winner(winner_min_score);
> +    if (winner) {
> +        const Widelands::Coords target_coords = 
> Coords::unhash(winner->coords_hash);
> +
> +             // This is to prohibit the flag for some time but with 
> exemption of warehouse
> +             if (flag_warehouse_distance.get_distance(winner->coords_hash, 
> gametime, &tmp_wh) > 0) {
> +                     
> flag_warehouse_distance.set_road_built(winner->coords_hash, gametime);
> +             }
> +             // and we stright away set distance of future flag
> +             
> flag_warehouse_distance.set_distance(flag.get_position().hash(), 
> winner->start_flag_dist_to_wh + winner->possible_road_distance,
> +             gametime, 0); // faking the warehouse
> +
> +        Path& path = *new Path();
>  #ifndef NDEBUG
> -             const int32_t pathcost =
> -                map.findpath(flag.get_position(), target_coords, 0, path, 
> check, 0, fields_necessity);
> -             assert(pathcost >= 0);
> +        const int32_t pathcost =
> +           map.findpath(flag.get_position(), target_coords, 0, path, check, 
> 0, fields_necessity);
> +        assert(pathcost >= 0);
>  #else
> -             map.findpath(flag.get_position(), target_coords, 0, path, 
> check, 0, fields_necessity);
> +        map.findpath(flag.get_position(), target_coords, 0, path, check, 0, 
> fields_necessity);
>  #endif
> -             game().send_player_build_road(player_number(), path);
> -             return true;
> -     }
> -     // We can't build a road so let's block the vicinity as an indication 
> this area is not
> -     // connectible
> -     // Usually we block for 2 minutes, but if it is a last attempt we block 
> for 10 minutes
> -     // Note: we block the vicinity only if this economy (usually a sole 
> flag with a building) is not
> -     // connected to a warehouse
> -     if (flag.get_economy()->warehouses().empty()) {
> -
> -             // blocking only if latest block was less then 60 seconds ago 
> or it is last attempt
> -             if (eco->fields_block_last_time + 60000 < gametime || 
> last_attempt_) {
> -                     eco->fields_block_last_time = gametime;
> -
> -                     const uint32_t block_time = last_attempt_ ? 10 * 60 * 
> 1000 : 2 * 60 * 1000;
> -
> -                     FindNodeAcceptAll buildable_functor;
> -                     CheckStepOwnTerritory check_own(player_, MOVECAPS_WALK, 
> true);
> -
> -                     // get all flags within radius
> -                     std::vector<Coords> reachable_to_block;
> -                     
> map.find_reachable_fields(Area<FCoords>(map.get_fcoords(flag.get_position()), 
> checkradius),
> -                                               &reachable_to_block, 
> check_own, buildable_functor);
> -
> -                     for (auto coords : reachable_to_block) {
> -                             blocked_fields.add(coords, 
> game().get_gametime() + block_time);
> -                     }
> -             }
> -
> -             // If it last attempt we also destroy the flag (with a building 
> if any attached)
> -             if (last_attempt_) {
> -                     remove_from_dqueue<Widelands::Flag>(eco->flags, &flag);
> -                     game().send_player_bulldoze(*const_cast<Flag*>(&flag));
> -                     dead_ends_check_ = true;
> -                     return true;
> -             }
> -     }
> -     return false;
> +        game().send_player_build_road(player_number(), path);
> +        return true;
> +    }
> +    // We can't build a road so let's block the vicinity as an indication 
> this area is not
> +    // connectible
> +    // Usually we block for 2 minutes, but if it is a last attempt we block 
> for 10 minutes
> +    // Note: we block the vicinity only if this economy (usually a sole flag 
> with a building) is not
> +    // connected to a warehouse
> +    if (flag.get_economy()->warehouses().empty()) {
> +
> +        // blocking only if latest block was less then 60 seconds ago or it 
> is last attempt
> +        if (eco->fields_block_last_time + kOneMinute < gametime || 
> last_attempt_) {
> +            eco->fields_block_last_time = gametime;
> +
> +            const uint32_t block_time = last_attempt_ ? 10 * kOneMinute : 2 
> * kOneMinute;
> +
> +            FindNodeAcceptAll buildable_functor;
> +            CheckStepOwnTerritory check_own(player_, MOVECAPS_WALK, true);
> +
> +            // get all flags within radius
> +            std::vector<Coords> reachable_to_block;
> +            
> map.find_reachable_fields(Area<FCoords>(map.get_fcoords(flag.get_position()), 
> checkradius),
> +                                      &reachable_to_block, check_own, 
> buildable_functor);
> +
> +            for (auto coords : reachable_to_block) {
> +                blocked_fields.add(coords, game().get_gametime() + 
> block_time);
> +            }
> +        }
> +
> +        // If it last attempt we also destroy the flag (with a building if 
> any attached)
> +        if (last_attempt_) {
> +            remove_from_dqueue<Widelands::Flag>(eco->flags, &flag);
> +            game().send_player_bulldoze(*const_cast<Flag*>(&flag));
> +            dead_ends_check_ = true;
> +            return true;
> +        }
> +    }
> +    return false;
> +}
> +
> +void DefaultAI::collect_nearflags(std::map<uint32_t, NearFlag> &nearflags, 
> const Flag& flag, const uint16_t checkradius) {
> +    // Algorithm to walk on roads
> +    // All nodes are marked as to_be_checked == true first and once the node 
> is checked it is changed
> +    // to false. Under some conditions, the same node can be checked twice, 
> the to_be_checked can
> +    // be set back to true. Because less hoops (fewer flag-to-flag roads) 
> does not always mean
> +    // shortest
> +    // road.
> +
> +     const Map& map = game().map();
> +
> +    for (;;) {
> +        // looking for a node with shortest existing road distance from 
> starting flag and one that has
> +        // to be checked
> +        uint32_t start_field = kNoField;
> +        uint32_t nearest_distance = 10000;
> +        for (auto item : nearflags) {
> +            if (item.second.current_road_distance < nearest_distance && 
> item.second.to_be_checked) {
> +                nearest_distance = item.second.current_road_distance;
> +                start_field = item.first;
> +            }
> +        }
> +        // OK, we failed to find a NearFlag where to_be_checked == true, so 
> quitting the loop now
> +        if (start_field == kNoField) {
> +            break;

Yes, All flags in a radius must be checked. Once it is done, it is over. Flags 
are collected in the map where the key is coordinates hash, so this guarantees 
that there are no duplicates...

> +        }
> +
> +        nearflags[start_field].to_be_checked = false;
> +
> +        // Now going over roads leading from this flag
> +        for (uint8_t i = 1; i <= 6; ++i) {
> +            Road* const road = nearflags[start_field].flag->get_road(i);
> +
> +            if (!road) {
> +                continue;
> +            }
> +
> +            Flag* endflag = &road->get_flag(Road::FlagStart);
> +
> +            if (endflag == nearflags[start_field].flag) {
> +                endflag = &road->get_flag(Road::FlagEnd);
> +            }
> +
> +            const uint32_t endflag_hash = endflag->get_position().hash();
> +
> +            const int32_t dist = map.calc_distance(flag.get_position(), 
> endflag->get_position());
> +
> +            if (dist > checkradius + 2) {  //  Testing bigger vicinity then 
> checkradius....
> +                continue;
> +            }
> +
> +            // There is few scenarios for this neighbour flag
> +            if (nearflags.count(endflag_hash) == 0) {
> +                // This is brand new flag
> +                // calculating diff how much closer we will get to the flag
> +                nearflags[endflag_hash] =
> +                   NearFlag(endflag, 
> nearflags[start_field].current_road_distance +
> +                                        road->get_path().get_nsteps());
> +            } else {
> +                // We know about this flag already
> +                if (nearflags[endflag_hash].current_road_distance >
> +                    nearflags[start_field].current_road_distance + 
> road->get_path().get_nsteps()) {
> +                    // ..but this current connection is shorter than one 
> found before
> +                    nearflags[endflag_hash].current_road_distance =
> +                       nearflags[start_field].current_road_distance + 
> road->get_path().get_nsteps();
> +                    // So let re-check neighbours once more
> +                    nearflags[endflag_hash].to_be_checked = true;
> +                }
> +            }
> +        }
> +    }
> +
>  }
>  /**

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