hessenfarmer has proposed merging lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/bug-1764318-barbarian-lore into lp:widelands.
Commit message: This is for b21. A lot of lore texts added according to the relevant forum discussions Requested reviews: Widelands Developers (widelands-dev) For more details, see: https://code.launchpad.net/~widelands-dev/widelands/bug-1764318-barbarian-lore/+merge/365637 Lore texts for all missing Barbarians Buildings (see https://wl.widelands.org/forum/topic/4193/) Lore text for atlantean fishbreeder (see https://wl.widelands.org/forum/topic/4471/) -- Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/bug-1764318-barbarian-lore into lp:widelands.
=== modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/militarysites/barbarians/barrier/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/militarysites/barbarians/barrier/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/militarysites/barbarians/barrier/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "‘When we looked down to the valley from our newly established barrier, we felt that the spirit of our fathers was with us.’") end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Ballad ‘The Battle of Kal’mavrath’ by Hakhor the Bard") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/militarysites/barbarians/citadel/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/militarysites/barbarians/citadel/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/militarysites/barbarians/citadel/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", [[‘The Citadel of Adlen is for sure the finest masterpiece of Barbarian craftsmanship. ]].. + [[Never ever something as strong and big and beautiful at the same time was built.’]]) end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Colintan, chief planner of the Citadel of Adlen,<br> at the opening ceremony") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/militarysites/barbarians/fortress/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/militarysites/barbarians/fortress/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/militarysites/barbarians/fortress/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "‘This stronghold made from hard wood and stones will be a hard nut to crack for them.’") end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Berthron,<br> chief military advisor of Chat’Karuth") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/militarysites/barbarians/sentry/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/militarysites/barbarians/sentry/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/militarysites/barbarians/sentry/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", [[‘The log cabin was so small that two men could hardly live there. But we were young and carefree. ]] .. + [[We just relished our freedom and the responsibility as an outpost.’]]) end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Boldreth,<br> about his time as young soldier") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/militarysites/barbarians/tower/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/militarysites/barbarians/tower/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/militarysites/barbarians/tower/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", [[‘From the height of our tower we could see far into enemy territory. ]] .. + [[The enemy was well prepared, but we also noticed some weak points in his defense.’]]) end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Ballad ‘The Battle of Kal’mavrath’ by Hakhor the Bard") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/partially_finished/constructionsite/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/partially_finished/constructionsite/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/partially_finished/constructionsite/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "‘Don't swear at the builder who is short of building materials.’") end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Barbarian Proverb,<br> widely used for under equipped tasks as well") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/partially_finished/dismantlesite/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/partially_finished/dismantlesite/helptexts.lua 2018-04-05 05:58:29 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/partially_finished/dismantlesite/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "‘New paths appear when you are willing to tear down the old.’") end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Barbarian Proverb") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/atlanteans/fishbreeders_house/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/atlanteans/fishbreeders_house/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/atlanteans/fishbreeders_house/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,15 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("atlanteans_building", [[‘‘Only after the last deer has been shot down<br> + Only after the last game has been put to death<br> + Only after the last fish has been caught<br> + Then will you find that spiders are not to be eaten.’]]) end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("atlanteans_building", "Prophecy of the fishbreeders") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/bakery/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/bakery/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/bakery/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "‘He who has enough bread will never be too tired to dig the ore and wield the axe.’") end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Khantarakh, ‘The Modern Babarian Economy’,<br> 3rd cowhide ‘Craftsmanship and Trade’") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/barracks/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/barracks/helptexts.lua 2018-05-04 20:38:53 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/barracks/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- #TRANSLATORS: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "‘Don't ask what your tribe can do for you, ask what you can do for your tribe!’") end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- #TRANSLATORS: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Famous barbarian recruitment poster") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/big_inn/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/big_inn/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/big_inn/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", [[‘Seasonal fish and game specialities served with pitta bread.<br> + Choose from different regional craft beer brands.’]]) end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Menu of ‘The Laughing Barbarian’") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/brewery/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/brewery/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/brewery/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,15 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", [[‘When the Barbarian was created,<br> + this was the first thing that he stated:<br> + "You want me fighting without fear?<br> + Then you should create some beer!"’]]) end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "First verse of the drinking song ‘How the Barbarian is like’") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/cattlefarm/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/cattlefarm/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/cattlefarm/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "‘The smart leader builds roads, while the really wise leader breeds cattle.’") end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Khantarakh, ‘The Modern Babarian Economy’,<br> 5th cowhide ‘Traffic and Logistics’") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/charcoal_kiln/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/charcoal_kiln/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/charcoal_kiln/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,19 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", [[‘What's the work of a charcoal burner?<br> + He's the tribe's most plodding earner!<br> + Logs on logs he piles up high,<br> + Until the kiln reaches the sky.<br> + He sets the fire, sees it smolder<br> + The logs he carried on his shoulder.<br> + Burnt down to just one single coal<br> + This troubles much a burner's soul.’]]) end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Song of the charcoal burners") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/farm/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/farm/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/farm/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", [[‘Look the crop fields from here to the horizons. They are a huge, heaving, golden sea.<br> + Oh wheat, source of wealth, soul of the beer, strength of our warriors.’]]) end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Line from the harvesting song ‘The Wealth of the Fields’") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/fishers_hut/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/fishers_hut/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/fishers_hut/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return "" + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Frequent response of a barbarian fisherman,<br> often followed by nice little brawl") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/helmsmithy/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/helmsmithy/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/helmsmithy/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", [[‘The helmets forged by this smithy<br> Are widely known for looking pithy.’]]) end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Slogan of ‘Harrath’s Handsome Helmets’ in Al’thunran") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/inn/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/inn/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/inn/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "‘Miner’s Delight: Pitta bread with fish or meat, comes with one beer.’") end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Chef's suggestion in ‘The Singing Master Miner’") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/quarry/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/quarry/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/quarry/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "‘We open up roads and make houses from mountains.’") end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Slogan of the stonemasons’ guild") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/scouts_hut/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/scouts_hut/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/scouts_hut/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", [[‘Behind the next hill there might be wealth and happiness but also hostility and doom.<br> + He who doesn’t explore it commits the crime of stupidity.’") end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Chat’Karuth<br> at the oath taking ceremony of the first scout troup ") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/shipyard/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/shipyard/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/shipyard/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,14 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", [[‘When I saw the Saxnot for the first time, her majestic dragon head ]].. + [[already looked up to the skies and the master was about to install the square sail.<br> + It was the most noble ship I ever saw.’]]) end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Captain Thanlas the Elder,<br> Explorer") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/smelting_works/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/smelting_works/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/smelting_works/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", [[‘From inferior looking rubble they form shiny gold and gleaming iron.<br> + For real, the smelters are the magicians among our craftsmen.’]]) end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Chat’Karuth<br> at the 5th conference of master craftsmen") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/tavern/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/tavern/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/tavern/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "‘Fresh from the countryside: Bread, fish or game to go.’") end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Menu of the tavern ‘Ye Ol’ Bronze Axe’") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/weaving_mill/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/weaving_mill/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/weaving_mill/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", [[‘Fine cloth and jewelry mean nothing to a true Barbarian.<br> + But a noble sail in the wind pleases his eyes.’]]) end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Khantarakh, ‘The Modern Babarian Economy’,<br> 9th cowhide ‘Seafaring and Conquest’") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/wood_hardener/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/wood_hardener/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/wood_hardener/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,14 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", [[‘Then he hit the door with his axe and, behold,<br> + the door only trembled, but the shaft of the axe burst in thousand pieces.’]]) end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", [[Legend about a quarrel between the brothers Harthor and Manthor,<br> + Manthor is said to be the inventor of hard wood]]) end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/warehouses/barbarians/headquarters/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/warehouses/barbarians/headquarters/helptexts.lua 2016-09-21 15:49:41 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/warehouses/barbarians/headquarters/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "‘Steep like the slopes of Kal’mavrath, shiny like the most delicate armor and strong like our ancestors, that’s how the headquarters of Chat’Karuth presented itself to us.’") end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Ballad ‘The Battle of Kal’mavrath’ by Hakhor the Bard") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/warehouses/barbarians/port/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/warehouses/barbarians/port/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/warehouses/barbarians/port/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "‘I prefer the planks of a ship to any fortress, no matter how strong it is.’") end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "Captain Thanlas the Elder,<br> Explorer") end function building_helptext_purpose() === modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/warehouses/barbarians/warehouse/helptexts.lua' --- data/tribes/buildings/warehouses/barbarians/warehouse/helptexts.lua 2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000 +++ data/tribes/buildings/warehouses/barbarians/warehouse/helptexts.lua 2019-04-07 15:53:31 +0000 @@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ function building_helptext_lore() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore helptext for a building - return no_lore_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", "‘Who still owns a warehouse is not yet defeated!’") end function building_helptext_lore_author() -- TRANSLATORS#: Lore author helptext for a building - return no_lore_author_text_yet() + return pgettext("barbarians_building", [[Berthron, chief military advisor of Chat’Karuth,<br> + when they lost the headquarters in the battle around the heights of Kal’Megarath]]) end function building_helptext_purpose()
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