Good question! In the case of workers, this is not required. Now that you are 
mentioning it I remembered (and testing confirmed) that this is dealt with 
somewhere else. When destroying a building (and its queues) wares are lost, so 
we have to remove them from the economy. On the other hand, workers become 

When destroying an unconnected (i.e. no streets) barracks the inventory 
statistics no longer show the workers of the barracks. When the fugitives find 
a connected street they are added again. I haven't looked in the code but I 
would guess they take care of that themselves.

While testing I noticed that the inventory statistics are listing no-cost 
workers while the warehouse statistics are not. Is this a bug or intentional 
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of 
lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/casern_workersqueue into lp:widelands.

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