GunChleoc has proposed merging lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/empire into 

Requested reviews:
  Widelands Developers (widelands-dev)
Related bugs:
  Bug #1424950 in widelands: "strange character relationships in the empire 

For more details, see:

 Rework of the dialogues in both Empire campaigns. By elizabeth.

(Sorry for double post, decided to merge trunk before; guess that was not 
really needed though.)
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of 
lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/empire into lp:widelands.
=== modified file 'campaigns/emp01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- campaigns/emp01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-01-24 11:43:42 +0000
+++ campaigns/emp01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-04-22 16:24:58 +0000
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@
    body=lutius(_"Diary of Lutius",
 		_([[What has become of our Empire? I really ask this question – why did my king forbid me from fighting against that monstrous Barbarian tribe, who first acted as a peaceful friend and then attacked my army in the darkest night?]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
-		_([[With an army of 150 men, I was assigned to patrol on our northern frontier, which lies near the Galdin Mountains in a great, beautiful and ancient forest. Soon, we met a Barbarian tribe, which at first was friendly. A few of my men even traded with them and their kids came to us, to admire our clean and tidy uniforms and weapons.]])
+		_([[With an army of 150 men, I was assigned to patrol on our northern frontier, which lies near the Galdin Mountains in a great, beautiful and ancient forest. Soon, we met a Barbarian tribe, which at first was friendly. A few of my men even traded with them and their children came to us, to admire our clean and tidy uniforms and weapons.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
-		_([[But during our fifth night in that region, they attacked us with no reason. I lost dozens of good men, and found myself imprisoned and brought to their chieftain. He spat at me, mocked me and told me to leave this land forever. He did not want new land and did not want our land, but he told me that THIS forest was their land – and it would stay theirs until the ghosts took the last man of his folk!]])
+		_([[But during our fifth night in that region, they attacked us with no reason. I lost dozens of good men, and found myself imprisoned and brought to their chieftain. He spat at me, mocked me and told me to leave this land forever. He did not want new land and did not want our land, but he told me that THIS forest was their land – and it would stay theirs until the spirits took the last man of his folk!]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
 		_([[Three weeks later, I returned to Fremil to speak with our king. He was furious at the Barbarians, yet forbade any attack on these tribes. He believed that our army was too weak to survive in a war against the Barbarians.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
 		_([[Well, perhaps my fear is misguided, but it can’t be wrong to keep watch in the forests – so that we can be sure to see any potential enemies before they can see us.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
-		_([[We really should build a barracks in the eastern portion of the forest. Then one of us can keep watch in the darkness and keep us safe from these creatures.]]))
+		_([[You really should build a barracks in the eastern portion of the forest. Then one of my men can keep watch in the darkness and keep us safe from these creatures.]]))
 		.. new_objectives(obj_build_barracks),
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
    body= saledus(_"Saledus speaks with a sigh of relief…",
 		_([[Sire, I saw that the construction of the barracks was completed, so I have assigned one of my best soldiers to it to keep watch on the desert.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
-	_([[This is a good step forward. Now we can feel a bit safer and can look forward to repairing our ship.]])),
+		_([[This is a good step forward. Now we can feel a bit safer and can look forward to repairing our ship.]])),
@@ -139,9 +139,9 @@
    body= amalea(_"Amalea smiles…",
 		_([[Hey Lutius, I just met Saledus outside.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
-		_([[He told me about the barracks. Well, I am not one of those girls who think we need more barracks – instead, we might concentrate on other things now.]])
+		_([[He told me about the barracks. Well, I don’t think we need more barracks – instead, we might concentrate on other things now.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
-		_([[It is absolutely clear that we need wood to repair our ship. So, I walked through the forest yesterday and found a nice place for a lumberjack’s house, south of our provisional headquarters.]]))
+		_([[It is absolutely clear that we need wood to repair our ship. So, I walked through the forest yesterday to look for a nice place for a lumberjack’s house and found one right south of our provisional headquarters.]]))
 		.. new_objectives(obj_build_lumberjack),
@@ -159,15 +159,15 @@
 amalea_3 = {
    title=_"Young Amalea",
    body= amalea(_"Amalea comes in…",
-		_([[Hi Lutius, I’ve got two important things to talk about… First the good news:]])
+		_([[Hey Lutius, I’ve got two important things to talk about… First the good news:]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
 		_([[I noticed that the construction of the sawmill is complete, so we can begin to refine the logs that the lumberjacks are harvesting into lumber.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
-		_([[But that’s just about the only positive thing I know to talk about. The bad news is that our lumberjacks harvest at an incredible speed. There are almost no trees left on this island.]])
-		.. paragraphdivider() ..
-		_([[Lutius, these trees provide shelter from the sandstorms that sweep in from the desert and shade on the hot days, and they are the home of so many gentle animals. We shouldn’t leave this island a complete desert.]])
-		.. paragraphdivider() ..
-		_([[Lutius, I beg you: find someone who takes care of planting new trees.]]))
+		_([[But the bad news is that our lumberjacks harvest at an incredible speed. There are almost no trees left on this island.]])
+		.. paragraphdivider() ..
+		_([[These trees provide shelter from the sandstorms that sweep in from the desert, and shade on the hot days, and they are the home of many gentle animals. We shouldn’t leave this island a complete desert.]])
+		.. paragraphdivider() ..
+		_([[Lutius, please find someone who will take care of planting new trees.]]))
 		.. new_objectives(obj_build_forester),
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
 saledus_3 = {
    title=_"Thinking About the Future",
    body= saledus(_"Saledus notes…",
-		_([[Hey, my good old friend. I just thought about the rocks standing on the south shore of this land. Perhaps we could cut out some useful hard stones and beautiful marble.]])
+		_([[Sire, I just thought about the rocks standing on the south shore of this land. Perhaps we could cut out some useful hard stones and beautiful marble.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
 		_([[The repair of our ship will take a few weeks, anyway, and the resources we harvest now might be the base of strong and big buildings in another land.]]))
 		.. new_objectives(obj_build_quarry),
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@
 saledus_4 = {
    title=_"A Step Forward",
-   body= saledus(_"Saledus looks promising…",
-		_([[Hey Lutius, today we got a lot closer to our first castle. The quarry to the south began its work today and will soon provide us with stones and beautiful marble.]])
+   body= saledus(_"Saledus looks excited…",
+		_([[Sire, today we got a lot closer to our first castle. The quarry to the south began its work today and will soon provide us with stones and beautiful marble.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
 		_([[Now we truly can look forward to settling down on another island.]])),
@@ -207,5 +207,5 @@
 safe_peninsula = {
    title=_"Safe Peninsula",
    body= saledus(_"Saledus speaks:",
-   _[[You have made this peninsula a very secure place. It is time to move on!]])
+		_[[Sire, you have made this peninsula a very secure place. Now it’s time to move on!]])

=== modified file 'campaigns/emp02.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- campaigns/emp02.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-01-24 11:43:42 +0000
+++ campaigns/emp02.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-04-22 16:24:58 +0000
@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@
    body= lutius(_"Diary of Lutius",
 		_([[As Saledus and I walked through these wonderful forests in the north, we felt that our future had just begun. This land is so peaceful, good and beautiful, I could stay here until the end of my life.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
-		_([[But until that day, may many years pass! For now, we must concentrate on the present, and build a few lumberjack’s houses and a sawmill to produce some basic building materials.]])
+		_([[But until that day, many years may pass! For now, we must concentrate on the present, and build a few lumberjack’s houses and a sawmill to produce some basic building materials.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
-		_([[But we shouldn’t forget to preserve this natural bounty. These forests should last forever, so we really should build a forester’s house too.]]))
+		_([[But we mustn’t forget to preserve this natural bounty. These forests should last forever, so we really have to build a forester’s house too.]]))
 		.. new_objectives(obj_build_woodeconomy)
@@ -145,14 +145,14 @@
    title =_ "Stone for the Colony",
    body= lutius(_"Diary of Lutius",
-_[[Great! Today the building of the quarry was completed. Now we will get enough stone to construct larger buildings.]]),
+		_[[Great! Today the building of the quarry was completed. Now we will get enough stone to construct larger buildings.]]),
 saledus_1 = {
    title =_ "Dangerous Ship Parts",
    posy = 1,
    body= saledus(_"Saledus looks unhappy",
-		_([[Greetings Lutius, I don’t want to start a panic, but I found something which gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach and spreads waves of fear in my heart. As I walked down to the southern shore, I found the remains of another ship. I don’t know whether these parts are all that is left of that ship. In any case, these parts do not seem to be old.]])
+		_([[Sire, I don’t want to start a panic, but I found something which gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach and spreads waves of fear in my heart. As I walked down to the southern shore, I found the remains of another ship. I don’t know whether these parts are all that is left of that ship. In any case, these parts do not seem to be old.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
 		_([[Perhaps the people aboard that ship were caught in the same storm which brought us to Malac’ Mor – and were brought to this island.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
@@ -163,20 +163,20 @@
 saledus_2 = {
    title =_ "Marble on the Mountain",
    body= saledus(_"Saledus smiles",
-		_([[Lutius, I’ve got good news for you: As I walked to the east, I found a larger mountain. I am not absolutely sure – a geologist should check if I am right – but I believe we could mine marble from some places on the mountain.]])
+		_([[Sire, I’ve got good news for you: As I walked to the east, I found a larger mountain. I am not absolutely sure – a geologist should check if I am right – but I believe we could mine marble from some places on the mountain.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
 		_([[It would be a good source for bolstering our supply of quality marble, beyond the meager quantities available from the quarry. Perhaps you were right when you said that this island was like paradise.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
-		_([[Let us expand to that mountain and start mining marble.]]))
+		_([[Please, expand to that mountain and start mining marble.]]))
 		.. new_objectives(obj_build_marblemine)
 saledus_3 = {
    title =_ "Further Mountains",
-   body= saledus(_"Saledus is amazed",
-		_([[By the Gods, this is an unbelievable stroke of fortune! There are two more mountains, and it seems that one has a large quantity of coal and the other of iron ore. We should immediately start to build iron ore and coal mines (or at least charcoal kilns), smelting works, toolsmithies, armor and weapon smithies.]])
+   body= saledus(_"Saledus is excited",
+		_([[By the Gods, this is an unbelievable stroke of fortune! There are two more mountains, and it seems that one has a large quantity of coal and the other of iron ore. I advise you to immediately build iron ore and coal mines (or at least charcoal kilns), smelting works, toolsmithies, armor and weapon smithies.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
-		_([[However: for all these bigger buildings, we need better and more elegant building materials. So, let’s build a stonemason, who will cut columns from marble.]])
+		_([[However: for all these bigger buildings, we need better and more elegant building materials. So you have to build a stonemason, who will cut columns from marble.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
 		_([[After everything, we can now begin to live like we did in Fremil.]]))
 		.. new_objectives(obj_build_mining_infrastructure)
@@ -185,18 +185,18 @@
 amalea_1 = {
    title =_ "Food for the Miners",
    body= amalea(_"Amalea enters…",
-		_([[Hi Lutius, I hope you forgive my criticism, but it seems to me as if you forgot something.]])
+		_([[Hey Lutius, don’t you think you forgot something important?]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
 		_([[It’s nice, and of course a good idea, to build up mines, which will give us a more comfortable life, but the people working in the mines are unhappy with the current situation. They have to do hard work and have no time for making their own food.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
 		_([[What do you think about helping them out? I can’t tell you what we need exactly… but here are my recommendations:]]))
-		.. new_objectives(obj_build_Food_infrastructure)
+		.. new_objectives(obj_build_food_infrastructure)
 amalea_2 = {
    title =_ "Our New Tavern",
    body= amalea(_"Amalea smiles",
-		_([[Greetings, my friend, I just visited our new tavern ‘At the palms’. The beer they serve is really tasty. You really should have a drink there, too.]])
+		_([[I just visited our new tavern ‘At the palms’. The beer they serve is really tasty. You really should have a drink there, too.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
 		_([[It is good to see that we have now got a warmer and more familiar environment on our island. Thank you, Lutius.]]))
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
 		_([[Today, as I walked down to the eastern shore, I got a shock. I caught sight of one of those hated, evil, Barbarian tribes with whom we have had so many problems before.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
-		_([[At first, I was naive and hoped that they were peaceful, but as soon as one of them saw me, they charged towards me and started attacking me with their throwing-spears. Thanks be to the Gods that I was able to flee and hide myself, before retreating back to our colony under cover of darkness.]])
+		_([[At first, I was naive and hoped that they were peaceful, but as soon as one of them saw me, they charged towards me and started attacking me with their throwing spears. Thanks be to the Gods that I was able to flee and hide myself, before retreating back to our colony under cover of darkness.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
 		_([[Anyway, we must build up stronger military buildings as soon as possible.]]))
 		.. new_objectives(obj_build_bigger_military_buildings)

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