I just tried to implement my LoRa Temp/hum sensors in weewx via MQTT. One 
problem is that these sensor often use a time period of 20min as Graham 
Eddy wrote.
Will this code snippet from him find it's way in the next release to get a 
smoother graph in weewx!? Would be great. 
That's what I get at the moment, see picture. 

Graham Eddy schrieb am Donnerstag, 19. Januar 2023 um 06:33:57 UTC+1:

fair request, but i don’t GitHub, so some code follows.
my old RPi test box is now my production LoRaWAN box, so i worked using my 
production weewx box, so testing is pretty minimal (seems to work on my two 

see weeplot/utilities.py:520 on weewx 5.8.0:

    line = []

    last_x = None

    for xy in zip(x, y):

#GE start new

        # If the y coordinate is None, ignore it

        if xy[1] is None:


#GE end new 

        dx = xy[0] - last_x if last_x is not None else 0

        last_x = xy[0]

#GE start original

#GE        # If the y coordinate is None or dx > maxdx, that marks a break

#GE        if xy[1] is None or (maxdx is not None and dx > maxdx):

#GE end original

#GE start new

        # If dx > maxdx, that marks a break

        if (maxdx is not None and dx > maxdx):

#GE end new 

            # If the length of the line is non-zero, yield it

            if len(line):

                yield line

                line = [] if xy[1] is None else [xy]



    if len(line):

        yield line


On 19 Jan 2023, at 12:50 pm, Tom Keffer <tke...@gmail.com> wrote:

Speaking of dumb, in retrospect, this seems like a dumb choice. It should 
be at least optional.

The code was written about 10 years ago. I simply cannot remember why I 
chose to always honor None values, despite any value of line_gap_fraction.

A PR would be welcome, should you wish to write one.

On Wed, Jan 18, 2023 at 4:55 PM Graham Eddy <g...@geddy.au> wrote:

this means line_gap_fraction relates only to interval gaps of whole 
records, not of column value gaps within successive records.
hmm, inserting interpolated values to cover interval gaps in a column can 
only be done to past records - nope, i don’t want to go there...
well, now i know - learn to love the ‘mark’ not the ‘line'.

On 19 Jan 2023, at 2:49 am, Tom Keffer <tke...@gmail.com> wrote:

You're not doing something dumb. None values always mark line breaks. 

On Wed, Jan 18, 2023 at 6:30 AM Graham Eddy <g...@geddy.au> wrote:

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