When you post a question, please remember to:

   1. *Post the relevant portion of the system log*
   - The log is essential to diagnosing any problem.
      - It helps to turn on the "debug" flag (set debug=1 in the 
      configuration file weewx.conf), then run again.
      2. *Post the relevant portion of the weewx configuration file and/or 
   skin configuration file;*
   3. *Specify the type of weather station hardware you are using;*
   4. *Tell us how you installed weewx.*

For more information about what makes a good post, see the guidelines *Help! 
Posting to weewx user! 
<https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/Help!-Posting-to-weewx-user>* in the 

Fran Yo schrieb am Sonntag, 12. Januar 2025 um 11:42:01 UTC+1:

> no help ????
> El miércoles, 8 de enero de 2025 a las 0:24:06 UTC+1, Fran Yo escribió:
>> I put the extension in weewx to send to meteotemplate through API. but 
>> it doesn't work for me. I set it up according to 
>> https://github.com/matthewwall/weewx-meteotemplate I'm in Meteotemplate 
>> with weatherdisplay in data sending but I want to use weewx. 
>> https://www.meteodosrius.es/indexDesktop.php 
>> https://meteodosrius.es/weewx/index.html 

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