Hi, I have an ultimeter 2100.  I just got weewx setup and running as a 
service in ubuntu 22.04, using the current weewx 5.1.0.

The locally generated /weewx/index.html shows all readings correctly, 
including barometer.

I have weewx configured to report to both cwop and weather underground 
(wug).  wug is in rapidfire mode, since my ultimeter supports it.

wug is receiving the pressure values:


CWOP is not:


the raw values that CWOP is receiving appear to be missing barometer 


note: look at the weewx readings only.  I don't intend to use the WD 10 
software anymore.

I enabled debug in weewx.conf, and I don't see any indication of errors in 
there relating to CWOP.

Any thoughts as to why barometer settings aren't being reported to CWOP 
when they are in weewx and reported to wug and locally?


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