
need to come back to this thread.
I've reinstalled WeeWX due to a hardware change. For this i used the latest 
version 5.1 as Debian package.

I am now unable to locate the file interceptor.py, because the documented 
folder does not exist.
Tried to find the file, but no success.

Anybody can help?

Greg from Oz schrieb am Freitag, 28. August 2020 um 01:01:50 UTC+2:

> I typed this in google search:
> "INFO user.interceptor: unrecognized parameter b'PASSKEY="
> and I had the quotes around it and the link that came back was the only 
> one....
> Anyway it worked...
> On Friday, 28 August 2020 00:09:50 UTC+10, Uwe S. wrote:
>> believe it or not, i did the same and this particular solution did not 
>> come up
>> Greg from Oz schrieb am Donnerstag, 27. August 2020 um 12:34:32 UTC+2:
>>> I just typed it into google.....
>>> On Thursday, 27 August 2020 20:08:11 UTC+10, Uwe S. wrote:
>>>> Perfect, looks like this solved the little problem.
>>>> I don't have these entries any longer in the logs
>>>> Greg from Oz schrieb am Donnerstag, 27. August 2020 um 09:22:21 UTC+2:
>>>>> Look here:
>>>>> https://forum.meteoclimatic.net/index.php?topic=2801.0
>>>>> It is in Spanish but you can translate it.
>>>>> It may fix your problem....
>>>>> On Thursday, 27 August 2020 16:47:49 UTC+10, Uwe S. wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> i've installed sucessfully WeeWX for my new Froggit Station 
>>>>>> (FineOffset HP2550 clone) and everything seem to be working.
>>>>>> There is only one line in the logs which i do not understand where it 
>>>>>> comes from and how to get rid of it. The line appears every few minutes:
>>>>>> INFO user.interceptor: unrecognized parameter 
>>>>>> b'PASSKEY=8CF44692C2A9535F83Fxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>> The PASSKEY i never entered somewhere and it does not belong to any 
>>>>>> setup i've done for that station.
>>>>>> (i replaced the last digits with xxx for privacy issues).
>>>>>> Any ideas? The "b" before the PASSKEY is interesting, the line was 
>>>>>> copied 1:1 from the logs
>>>>>> Thanks!

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