Oops..sorry just saw that you already did the firmware update. I would try 
Aercus support and troubleshoot the receiver for power/disappearing/random 
changing settings.

On Monday, November 11, 2024 at 12:59:18 PM UTC-5 Ashley Hinton wrote:

> Thanks for your reply.
> The station is a weathersleuth professional, apologies I should have been 
> clearer. When I bought it I figured because of weewx I didn't need, or 
> want, an indoor screen.
> https://www.aercusinstruments.com/aercus-instruments-weathersleuth-professional-ip-weather-station-with-direct-real-time-internet-monitoring/
> Setting the station:
> Absolute pressure offset = 0
> Relative pressure offset = 0
> The LCD screen in the barometer transmitter is showing the same value as 
> both absolute & relative pressure on the live data webpage.
> If I stop weewx and listen for the data on the relevant tcp/ip port this 
> is what the station sends:
> sudo nc -l 7890
> GET 
> /weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php?ID=***&PASSWORD=***&tempf=53.6&humidity=76&dewptf=46.2&windchillf=53.6&winddir=31&windspeedmph=0.00&windgustmph=0.00&rainin=0.00&dailyrainin=0.00&weeklyrainin=0.00&monthlyrainin=0.00&yearlyrainin=29.46&solarradiation=110.48&UV=0&indoortempf=67.3&indoorhumidity=61
> *&baromin=30.59*&dateutc=now&softwaretype=WH2600%20V2.2.8&action=updateraw&realtime=1&rtfreq=5
> HTTP/1.0
> The *baromin* value is the relative pressure. It doesn't send any other 
> pressure values.
> If I offset in hardware it works and weewx reports barometer correctly 
> compared to local reliable sources but it doesn't (always!) survive a power 
> outage. Whats worse is the relative offset doesn't even stay defaulted to 0 
> - give it a few minutes and it does its own thing, literally a random minus 
> value based on no other setting I can find, unless I manually change the 
> offset value again but it only stays until it loses power.
> My thoughts were to map *baromin *(relative pressure) from the station to 
> *pressure 
> *in weewx, leave the station relative pressure offset at zero and let 
> weewx calculate barometer as you suggest, of course double checking the 
> altitude value in weewx.conf is correct. Now I know it won't work after a 
> power cut, and I suspect even if I manually set zero offset and kill the 
> power it will initially return with zero and then change to a random value.
> Station firmware is up to date -  v2.2.8 is the last available.
> However I'm starting to think I could get the pressure reading from 
> elsewhere. I'm running an Arduino in the greenhouse which is providing some 
> extra sensor data picked up by weewx using the Weewx MQTT Subscribe 
> extension.
> Adding a barometric sensor to the Arduino should be pretty easy, mapping 
> its output to *pressure *in weewx.
> Either that or read the station live data webpage into weewx but it seems 
> a lot of hassle compared to a buying a relatively cheap sensor. The one 
> I've just looked at claims an accuracy of 0.01mbar.
> Maybe that's the solution -  map an incoming MQTT topic 
> "greenhouse/absolutepressure" to pressure in weewx.
> [[[greenhouse/absolutepressure]]]    #mqtt topic sent from Arduino
>             name = pressure          #weewx database table
> .. and under
> [[Calculations]]
> Change *prefer_hardware* in the following entries to:
> pressure = hardware
> altimeter = software
> barometer = software
> Which I think would ignore the station relative pressure (barometer) and 
> since its not sending absolute pressure anyway I need not worry about a 
> conflict between the station and what the Arduino would be sending.
> Also apologies again, I should have mentioned in my original post:
> Weewx v5.1.0 (installed via pip/venv)
> Raspberry Pi 4
> Raspian (Debian) v12 Bookworm (arm64)
> Aercus Instruments Weathersleuth Professional station.
> On Friday 25 October 2024 at 12:03:49 UTC+1 gszla...@gmail.com wrote:
> --Hmm..if Absolute pressure and relative pressure = 0 (zero) your 
> barometer was not set up correctly and not calibrated correctly. II 
> absolute pressure = 0, you would be living in a vacuum! Or are you 
> referring to both offsets = 0?
> Your station is the weathersleuth IP? If so, you have an outside array, a 
> Wi-Fi gateway and a separate LCD indoor sensor with a barometer sensor: 
> Thermo-hygrometer-barometer transmitter (temperature/humidity/pressure).
> If your barometer is working, it should be reading the current atmospheric 
> pressure at your elevation (the elevation of your barometer). In your 
> calibration screen, you should see an absolute pressure offset and a 
> relative pressure offset. These fields are used to adjust your absolute 
> pressure and relative pressure, respectively.
> It is best to start over from scratch. Set both offsets back to zero in 
> the calibration screen. Verify that the pressure showing on the LCD screen 
> of the external Thermo-hygrometer-barometer transmitter is equal to the 
> absolute pressure on your console. Maybe it's under the Live data tab?
> You will have to calculate your relative pressure offset which depends on 
> your elevation.
> Your weather station appears to be similar to an Ecowitt or Ambient 
> weather station therefore calibration procedures should be the same. Read 
> the barometer wiki to set your elevation and calibrate your barometer:
> http://meshka.eu/Ecowitt/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=barometer#calibration_wi-fi_gateways
> Your other question relates to WeeWX. You definitely do not want to pass 
> on your weather station's REL to WeeWX. Your weather station uses a single 
> fixed offset amount to do an estimate of sea level pressure. It can be a 
> reasonably close approximation but your readings will drift at times. You 
> would be far better off relying on WeeWX "barometer" pressure reading 
> because it uses an actual algorithm to calculate sea level pressure much 
> more accurately. To obtain the WeewX "barometer" reading you do not need to 
> configure anything. WeeWX will automatically calculate "barometer" from 
> your absolute pressure. BTW, the WeeWX "barometer" reading refers to SLP 
> (sea level pressure) that you might see on meteorological isobar 
> charts/surface analysis maps. If you follow the wiki's tutorials, your REL 
> (relative pressure) on your station's console should be an approximation of 
> the Altimeter setting.
> On Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 4:43:24 AM UTC-4 Ashley Hinton wrote:
> Hi Michael
> Thanks for your reply.
> I did indeed read it which made me realise the issue is what WeeWx is 
> receiving (in relation to what its displaying on the webpage) & that it 
> needs to be calibrated somewhere.
> I will first calibrate the hardware & then check what value from the 
> hardware is being displayed on the webpage. I'm pretty certain at the 
> moment Relative Pressure from hardware = Barometer on the webpage but will 
> double check so I know in future.
> Thanks again,
> On Monday 21 October 2024 at 04:56:31 UTC+1 michael.k...@gmx.at wrote:
> Hello, as a first step, did you read the following:
> https://weewx.com/docs/5.1/usersguide/troubleshooting/meteo/
> After that, do you know the pressure mappings console <=> weewx? Then, 
> which of the values (pressure, altimeter, barometer) is displayed on the 
> webpage? If you know all these things, calibrate your hardware according to 
> the manual and choose your desired obs_type to be displayed on the webpage.
> Ashley Hinton schrieb am Sonntag, 20. Oktober 2024 um 22:08:57 UTC+2:
> Hello
> I've noticed my Barometer reading is different from other local sources: 
> the airfield just up the road from me, the local weather report, my phone 
> weather app - you name it, my readings did not agree. WeeWx was reporting 
> too high.
> I'm using an Aercus IP weather station and WeeWx is using the Interceptor 
> driver.
> The weather station itself has its own calibration settings page, it has 
> two fields for calibrating pressure:
> Absolute Pressure (was, and is, set to 0)
> Relative Pressure (was set to 30.00hpa which I'm sure was arbitrary, now 
> set to 0)
> If I change the Relative Pressure offset the Barometer value reported on 
> the resulting WeeWx-generated webpage changes, so I'm confident that 
> Relative Pressure is what's sent to WeeWx.
> My question is what to do - calculate and set the calibration in hardware, 
> or in WeeWx? What is generally preferred or considered the best option?
> Thanks!

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