I would recommend against changing the sign of the readings.

And I would try this (not tested):

#set $data = $year.gridProduction.series(aggregate_type='min', 
aggregate_interval=86400, time_series='start', 
#set $data = [ [i,-j] for i,j in $data ]

michael.k...@gmx.at schrieb am Donnerstag, 14. November 2024 um 06:45:22 

> The problem is - imho - that the observation type is not recorded 
> correctly in the first place. Purchased energy is different from produced 
> energy is different from supplied energy is different from directly 
> consumed energy, etc., so supplied energy to the grid isn't just the same 
> as purchased energy from the grid, just with a negative sign. To display 
> the values in a comprehensive way, the straightforward way would be to 
> record the data in that way. So supplied energy (gridProduction as you call 
> it) should be a positive value, when recorded. My power meter at the 
> metering point gives positive values for this observation type.
> https://weewx.com/docs/5.1/reference/weewx-options/stdcalibrate/
> [StdCalibrate] [[Corrections]] gridProduction = -gridProduction
> Keep in mind you have to migrate existing data in the database and 
> recalculate daily summaries for this obs_type, if you do it that way.
> Steeple Ian schrieb am Mittwoch, 13. November 2024 um 22:52:04 UTC+1:
>> I am using the following in a .tmpl file to generate series data for a 
>> Highcharts chart: -
>> $year.gridProduction.series(aggregate_type='min', 
>> aggregate_interval=86400, time_series='start', 
>> time_unit='unix_epoch_ms').round(0).json
>> This series produces either 0 or negative numbers, something like this 
>> extract: -
>> [[1731024000000, 0], [1731110400000, -107], [1731196800000, -407], 
>> [1731283200000, -341]]
>> Is there any straightforward way of converting the negative values to 
>> absolute numbers?
>> The context is solar generated power. When the grid values are negative, 
>> solar generated power is being exported to the grid.
>> Thank you

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