Aus you describe it, there is no unit "VWC". The unit of the reading is 
percent. So the unit group is "group_percent" and the unit is "percent".

weewx.units.obs_group_dict['soilMoist1'] = 'group_percent'

If you want to see the text "VWC" after the value, you can put it there as 
a constant text.

Whether this is enough or not depends on the driver. Please, try this first. schrieb am Donnerstag, 7. November 2024 um 16:22:56 UTC+1:

> Thanks, Karen. I understand what you are saying but, not being a 
> programmer, I don’t know how to make that sort of  modification.
> The sensor sends out VWC data as a percentage amount which shouldn’t need 
> to be converted to any other unit as I want to display it directly as read. 
> The data I’m displaying is in the correct form (% VWC) but the unit being 
> displayed with the value remains as “cb.”
> For example it now reads “26 cb at 10:15” and I want it to read “26 % VWC” 
> or even simply just “26%.”  SoilMoist1 needs to display % and not cb. It 
> seems to be a label problem.
> Cheers,
> Bob
> On Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 9:57:02 AM UTC-5 Karen K wrote:
>> I guess, there is an entry in weewx.units.conversionDict missing. Both 
>> VWC and the unit the driver provides need to be present there, as well 
>> as a formula to convert between them.
>> schrieb am Donnerstag, 7. November 2024 um 15:46:48 
>> UTC+1:
>>> Thanks for the reply, Tom. I am only using US units but have added 
>>> METRIC and METRICWX as you suggested (see below). However, when I run 
>>> wee_reports, I get the same error as listed before.
>>> import locale
>>> # This will use the locale specified by the environment variable 'LANG'
>>> # Other options are possible. See:
>>> #
>>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
>>> import weewx.units
>>> #
>>> # Specify what group our observation type belongs to
>>> weewx.units.obs_group_dict['signal1'] = 'group_cpm'
>>> weewx.units.obs_group_dict['signal2'] = 'group_sievert'
>>> weewx.units.obs_group_dict['soilMoist1'] = 'group_moisture'
>>> # Specify what unit is used to measure cpm & microsievert in the three 
>>> standard unit systems used by weewx.
>>> weewx.units.USUnits['group_cpm'] = 'cpm'
>>> weewx.units.MetricUnits['group_cpm'] = 'cpm'
>>> weewx.units.MetricWXUnits['group_cpm'] = 'cpm'
>>> weewx.units.MetricUnits['group_moisture'] =  'VWC'
>>> weewx.units.MetricWXUnits['group_moisture'] =  'VWC'
>>> weewx.units.USUnits['group_moisture'] =  'VWC'
>>> weewx.units.USUnits['group_sievert'] = 'uSv'
>>> # Specify what formats and labels to use for cpm & microsievert
>>> weewx.units.default_unit_format_dict[' cpm'] = '%.0f'
>>> weewx.units.default_unit_label_dict[' cpm']  = ' cpm'
>>> weewx.units.default_unit_format_dict['microsievert'] = '%.2f'
>>> weewx.units.default_unit_label_dict['microsievert']  = 'uSv'
>>> weewx.units.default_unit_format_dict['VWC'] = '%.1f'
>>> weewx.units.default_unit_label_dict['VWC'] = ' VWC'
>>> On Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 8:02:10 PM UTC-5 Tom Keffer wrote:
>>>> You've indicated that group_moisture is to be measured in VWC, but only 
>>>> for the US measurements. For METRIC and METRICWX, it will still be in 
>>>> centibar.
>>>> I think what's happening is that weewx is trying to convert from 
>>>> whatever it has (probably centibar) to VWC, but does not know how.
>>>> Are you using METRIC and/or METRICWX anywhere? In particular, in the 
>>>> plot?
>>>> On Wed, Nov 6, 2024 at 1:47 PM <> wrote:
>>>>> I am using a Seeed S2105 soil moist/temp sensor on a VP2 with weewx 
>>>>> 4.10.2. I'm attempting to change the units from "cb" to "VWC" as the 
>>>>> sensor 
>>>>> data displays a percentage VWC.
>>>>> My additions to are as follows:
>>>>> # Specify what group our observation type belongs to
>>>>> weewx.units.obs_group_dict['signal1'] = 'group_cpm'
>>>>> weewx.units.obs_group_dict['signal2'] = 'group_sievert'
>>>>> *weewx.units.obs_group_dict['soilMoist1'] = 'group_moisture'*
>>>>> # Specify what unit is used to measure cpm & microsievert in the three 
>>>>> standard unit systems used by weewx.
>>>>> weewx.units.USUnits['group_cpm'] = 'cpm'
>>>>> weewx.units.MetricUnits['group_cpm'] = 'cpm'
>>>>> weewx.units.MetricWXUnits['group_cpm'] = 'cpm'
>>>>> weewx.units.USUnits['group_sievert'] = 'uSv'
>>>>> *weewx.units.USUnits['group_moisture'] =  'VWC'*
>>>>> # Specify what formats and labels to use for cpm & microsievert
>>>>> weewx.units.default_unit_format_dict[' cpm'] = '%.0f'
>>>>> weewx.units.default_unit_label_dict[' cpm']  = ' cpm'
>>>>> weewx.units.default_unit_format_dict['microsievert'] = '%.2f'
>>>>> weewx.units.default_unit_label_dict['microsievert']  = 'uSv'
>>>>> weewx.units.default_unit_format_dict['VWC'] = '%.1f'
>>>>> *weewx.units.default_unit_label_dict['VWC'] = ' VWC'*
>>>>> The error I get when running "wee_reports" is:
>>>>> sudo ./wee_reports
>>>>> Generating as of last timestamp in the database.
>>>>> Using configuration file /home/weewx/weewx.conf
>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>   File "/home/weewx/bin/weewx/", line 197, in run
>>>>>     obj.start()
>>>>>   File "/home/weewx/bin/weewx/", line 385, in start
>>>>>   File "/home/weewx/bin/weewx/", line 42, in run
>>>>>     self.gen_images(self.gen_ts)
>>>>>   File "/home/weewx/bin/weewx/", line 107, in 
>>>>> gen_images
>>>>>     plot = self.gen_plot(plotgen_ts,
>>>>>   File "/home/weewx/bin/weewx/", line 279, in gen_plot
>>>>>     new_data_vec_t = self.converter.convert(data_vec_t)
>>>>>   File "/home/weewx/bin/weewx/", line 919, in convert
>>>>>     new_val_t = convert(val_t, new_unit_type)
>>>>>   File "/home/weewx/bin/weewx/", line 1454, in convert
>>>>>     conversion_func = conversionDict[val_t[1]][target_unit]
>>>>> KeyError: 'VWC'
>>>>> I know I'm missing a step somewhere but can't seem to find it. I'm 
>>>>> still showing on the Standard skin:
>>>>> Soil Moisture (VWC)  26 cb at 16:00 
>>>>> Soil Temperature 62.4°F at 16:00 
>>>>> Soil Conductivity (dSm) 0.010000 at 16:00
>>>>> Thanks in advance of any suggestions.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Bob
>>>>> -- 
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