Im re-building my WeeWx install after a very precarious previous install went bad - and setting it all up again. I tried WeeWx 5, but the virtual environment for Python was too much for me, so i restarted on 4.9. So far Ive gotten it all up and running, but my MQTT will not work as expected. Ive got my WeeWx receiving SDR data, and publishing MQTT but the website doesnt receive updates, just says "connected, waiting for data" I can connect to the server, and I do get publications, but only if i use the catch all -t "#' if I use 'weather' or 'weather/loop' i get nothing, like the website. Ive checked the topic, and it is weather. so Im not sure where I'm going wrong.
WeeWx.conf : [[MQTT]] host = enable = true topic = weather unit_system = US binding = archive, loop aggregation = aggregate [[Belchertown]] skin = Belchertown HTML_ROOT = /var/www/html enable = true [[[Extras]]] #--- MQTT Websockets (for Real Time Streaming) Options --- mqtt_websockets_enabled = 1 mqtt_websockets_host = mqtt_websockets_port = 9001 mqtt_websockets_ssl = 0 mqtt_websockets_topic = "weather/loop" disconnect_live_website_visitor = 1800000 Mosquitto.conf persistence true persistence_location /var/lib/mosquitto/ log_dest file /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log include_dir /etc/mosquitto/conf.d allow_anonymous true listener 9001 protocol websockets listener 1883 protocol mqtt log_type error Logs: weewx status weewx.service - LSB: weewx weather system Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/weewx; generated) Active: active (running) since Mon 2024-11-04 20:43:43 EST; 16min ago Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8) Process: 1294805 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/weewx start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Tasks: 7 (limit: 3908) CPU: 1min 4.748s CGroup: /system.slice/weewx.service ├─1294821 python3 /usr/share/weewx/weewxd --daemon --pidfile=/var/run/ /etc/weewx/weewx.conf └─1294822 rtl_433 -M utc -F json -f 915M -R 78 -R 113 -Y classic Nov 04 21:00:00 raspberrypi python3[1294821]: weewx[1294821] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing "weather/dewpoint_degree_F": 42.62659565255956 (degree_F) Nov 04 21:00:00 raspberrypi python3[1294821]: weewx[1294821] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing "weather/ET_inch": None (inch) Nov 04 21:00:00 raspberrypi python3[1294821]: weewx[1294821] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing "weather/heatindex_degree_F": 44.13100000000001 (degree_F) Nov 04 21:00:00 raspberrypi python3[1294821]: weewx[1294821] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing "weather/humidex_degree_F": 45.68 (degree_F) Nov 04 21:00:00 raspberrypi python3[1294821]: weewx[1294821] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing "weather/inDewpoint_degree_F": None (degree_F) Nov 04 21:00:00 raspberrypi python3[1294821]: weewx[1294821] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing "weather/maxSolarRad_watt_per_meter_squared": 0.0 (watt_per_meter_squared) Nov 04 21:00:00 raspberrypi python3[1294821]: weewx[1294821] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing "weather/rainRate_inch_per_hour": 0.0 (inch_per_hour) Nov 04 21:00:00 raspberrypi python3[1294821]: weewx[1294821] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing "weather/windchill_degree_F": 45.68 (degree_F) Nov 04 21:00:00 raspberrypi python3[1294821]: weewx[1294821] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing "weather/windrun_mile": None (mile) Nov 04 21:00:00 raspberrypi python3[1294821]: weewx[1294821] INFO weewx.restx: MQTT: Published record 2024-11-04 20:59:57 EST (1730771997) journalctl -u 0f weewx : dateTime': 1730771661, 'usUnits': 17} Nov 04 20:54:24 raspberrypi python3[1294821]: weewx[1294821] DEBUG user.mqtt: New loop packet: {'outTemp': 45.32, 'outHumidity': 89.0, 'windDir': None, 'windSpeed': 0.0, 'UV': 0.0, 'dateTime': 1730771661, 'usUnits': 1, 'pressure': None, 'altimeter': None, 'appTemp': 43.55636152833608, 'barometer': None, 'cloudbase': 957.8282981938706, 'dewpoint': 42.27155548794697, 'ET': None, 'heatindex': 43.735, 'humidex': 45.32, 'inDewpoint': None, 'maxSolarRad': 0.0, 'rainRate': 0.0, 'windchill': 45.32, 'windrun': None} Nov 04 20:54:24 raspberrypi python3[1294821]: weewx[1294821] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing "weather/outTemp_degree_F": 45.32 (degree_F) Nov 04 20:54:24 raspberrypi python3[1294821]: weewx[1294821] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing "weather/outHumidity_percent": 89.0 (percent) Nov 04 20:54:24 raspberrypi python3[1294821]: weewx[1294821] DEBUG user.mqtt: Publishing "weather/windDir_degree_compass": None (degree_compass) mosquitto_sub -v -h -p 1883 -t '#' weather/connection_status online weather/connection_status online weather/outTemp_degree_F 45.5 weather/outHumidity_percent 89.0 weather/windDir_degree_compass (null) weather/windSpeed_mile_per_hour 0.0 weather/UV_uv_index 0.0 weather/dateTime_unix_epoch 1730771709 weather/usUnits 1 weather/pressure_inHg (null) weather/altimeter_inHg (null) weather/appTemp_degree_F 43.773622155368685 weather/barometer_inHg (null) weather/cloudbase_foot 958.3918021116529 weather/dewpoint_degree_F 42.44907607070873 weather/ET_inch (null) TIA -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "weewx-user" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view this discussion visit