On Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 9:53:49 AM UTC-4 michael.k...@gmx.at wrote:

So: the 1,9 miles probably only work between two elevated point with a 
clear Fresnel zone.

good point!  this RF stuff is dark magic.  someone should make goggles that 
let you see a selected spectrum or range of frequencies - kinda like night 
vision glasses, but where you see lights and darks (and sources and 
shadows) of the frequencies of interest.

an example: we deployed a ubnt PtP link to connect two buildings about 600 
ft apart, with thick forest between buildings.  the only unforested part 
between buildings is a 'tunnel' about 2.5 meters in diameter, carved out of 
the forest for the (mostly straight) road between buildings.  pointing the 
antenna directly at each other through this tunnel kinda worked, with a 
signal of around -70 db. but when we pointed each antenna toward the ground 
a bit, the connection signal jumped to -58 db.  each antenna is only 1 
meter above ground.  go figure!

another example: a 2 mile PtP link between island and mainland does pretty 
well, with antennas about 3 meters above ground on each.  until a spring 
tide.  then the signal drops completely until the water recedes.  
definitely looks like fresnel interference.

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