Hello dear WeeWx users!

When installing WeeWx 5.1 on a freshly installed RasiOS 12 (Debian 12 
Bookworm) on an Raspi 3B, I ran into problems:

The offical installation description 
<https://weewx.com/docs/5.1/quickstarts/debian/> for Debian does not work 
for me.
The pgp key download worked fine, but *apt* does not find the key and 
complains accordingly when you try to *"apt update"*:

The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not 
available: NO_PUBKEY A0CB255B75BF977C

This is my system version: 
Linux 6.6.51+rpt-rpi-v8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 1:6.6.51-1+rpt2 (2024-10-01) 
aarch64 GNU/Linux

But the problem is neither weewx.com nor the key. Something seems to have 
chanced with *apt* in Debian 12. It seems to want a different directory now 
for those keyfiles (As described here 
<https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/768304>in a different context)


   - Download the key file into /etc/apt/keyrings 
   and *not* into /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d
   - Change Information in the file weewx.list accordingly, including the 
   new path to the key file.

This is what I did exactly (as root user)

   1. Download the key file in the right directory
   wget -O - https://weewx.com/keys.html | gpg --dearmor --output 
   2. correct file permissions
   chmod 644 /etc/apt/keyrings/weewx.gpg
   3. manually create the .list file for *apt*:
   nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/weewx.list
   4. and write this very line into the file weewx.list:
   deb [arch=all signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/weewx.gpg] 
   https://weewx.com/apt/python3 buster main
   and save the file. Note the option "signed-by=" with the path to the key 
   5. correct file permissons
   chmod 644 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/weewx.list

That's it.
Now sudo apt update runs without complaints.

Perhaps the documentation for debian installs needs an update.

Many thanks to thy makers of WeeWx for their great work. Im am running a 
weather station with WeeWx on Raspi since 2019 without interruptions. 
I ran into this issue while setting up a new replacement hardware.

Best regards to all weather station operators out there! Good luck and have 

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