I just did a fresh install of 5.1 from yum-test, and migrated everything 
from my 4.10 over to it.   Everything went as expected, except a few things 
I noticed.

One thing to note, is to install the extensions, before start editing the 
data in them.  I'm running Belchertown, and coping the skins folder over 
first was a bad idea.  Just let them install and them tweak the folder as 

Seems this is supposed to come with v5?  But did not for me.  I did a dnf 
install, which was never done before on my system.
INFO weewx.engine: 'pyephem' not detected, extended almanac data is not 

Also, when I do a weectl database reconfigure, it doesn't use what is 
already in weewx.conf (like what configuring the hardware does), but wants 
to create a weewx_new database?  That threw me for a loop, because I was 
trying to make sure everything was right, before I started it up for the 
first time.

Otherwise, all back up and running and can now archive my /home/weewx 


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