On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 12:12 AM, Massimo Di Pierro <
massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> First of all kudos to Andriy,
> He created an excellent testing code, he was very responsive, and he
> really took the time to understand some of the web2py code. Moreover he is
> the author of the excellent wheezy.web framework.
> He just emailed me that he has rebuilt his testing environment and has
> updated the benchmarks:
> http://mindref.blogspot.com/2012/09/python-fastest-web-framework.html
> The memory leak is gone! I am not sure about the cause but I suspect he
> had an older web2py version installed via pip that was creating problems.
> We still score last but the numbers are closer to the numbers that Niphlod
> got. Anyway, this is not a concern to me because although this is a simple
> "hello world" test, web2py does more than the others (session, T, url and
> ip validation, etc.) and it is expected to be slower. The difference, as
> Niphlod sasys, washes away in real life applications. Yet we can probably
> do better with some simple tweaks and we should pursue that. Niphlod
> numbers still look better by almost a factor 2 so something else is going
> on too.
> Andriy also posted template benchmarks:
> http://mindref.blogspot.com/2012/07/python-fastest-template.html
> So if we compare web2py with Django you see that web2py is slower on
> "hello world" but has faster templates. As you can see the time to render
> one template page dominates the time to serve "hello world". Of course
> wheezy.web smokes everybody else on both tests and that is something we
> should try understand. We should also try port gluino to wheezy.web.
> Massimo

Thanks Massimo, I saw Andriy posting on comp.lang.python and recommended he
benchmark web2py.

Would be very interested to see if web2py can catchup to the others. I
think that the performance when compared with Flask should be our main goal.

Definitely a port of gluino to wheezy.web would be amazing :)


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