If I may rephrase and clarify a question: 

Is it possible to add control, through dictionary in (smartgrid) 
linked_tables when will links display?

e.g: linked_tables=dict(parent=['child'], child=[''])

wishful outcome: display children links for parent table, but don't display 
any related links for child table.


On Friday, September 21, 2012 11:58:05 AM UTC-4, Adi wrote:
> I'm wondering what to do in this situation? I have self-referencing fields 
> in the child table, and due to that smartgrid display links, which 
> basically can't do anything. 
> I'm trying to eliminate them, but not sure what would be a proper way? 
> Thanks.
> Simplified code sample: 
> db.define_table('campaign',
>                     Field('tbl_uuid', length=64, default=lambda:str(uuid.
> uuid4())),
>                     Field('name','string', label=T('Campaing Name')),
>                     format='%(name)s',
>                     )
> db.define_table('message',
>                     Field('tbl_uuid', length=64, default=lambda:str(uuid.
> uuid4())),
>                     Field('name','string', label=T('Name')),
>                     Field('campaign_id', 'reference campaign', label=T(
> 'Campaign')),
>                     Field('action_yes_id', 'reference message)', 
> label=T('Action 
> Yes'),),
>                     Field('action_no_id', 'reference message)', 
> label=T('Action 
> No')),
>                     migrate=True)
> grid=SQLFORM.smartgrid(Campaign, details=False, links_in_grid=True,
>                     linked_tables=['message'],
> #                    linked_tables=dict(campaign=['message'], 
> message=['']),
>                     links=dict(campaign=[lambda row:(_get_messages(row))
>                                         ]),
>                     )
> Enter code here...


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