Thanks Richard. That's very helpful. I'm looking to use the MENU helper to
build a custom sidebar menu so all I need to do now is isolate and modify
the js and css. Is nav now the default class id for the helper?

On Saturday, September 22, 2012, Richard Vézina <>
> It works with Bootstrap now as far as I can see, there is a piece of js
in the layout to allow bootstrap menu to have the same behavior of
superfish (I mean submenu, subsubmenu, etc.). I try my app in the under new
web2py 2.0.X version and I didn't have to make any change to my MENU()
> When you migrate, take care to remplace your old layout by the new one
(don't forget make backup :) or you can just grad what is required from the
new layout and bring it into you own customized one. You have also to
update generic view, web2py_ajax, web2py.js, jquery.js and many other
files. Also, controller has to be update.
> Hopes it help!
> Richard
> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 9:55 PM, pjryan126 <> wrote:
>> Hi, I'm working on a custom menu, and I noticed there is no longer a
superfish.css file in the scaffolding app, though the file is still in the
examples application. Has superfish been replaced with something new in
Web2py 2.0 , and if so, what is the new default _class for the MENU()
helper? I'm not well acquainted with css, so any info would be extremely
>> Thanks,
>> Patrick
>> --
> --


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