Can you please post the complete controller ? I still don't understand when 
you say "the view is ok, but request.post_vars is empty". If you built a 
view in web2py, and it's tied to that controller, it's impossible that the 
view can "see" something that the controller  "isn't seeing". 

On Saturday, September 22, 2012 3:25:09 PM UTC+2, thinkwell wrote:
> Yes, the form was generated outsite web2py and posted to the web2py 
> controller "submit_site". My frustration is that in the controller, 
> response.post_vars.submit_ip (and all form fields) have a value of None, 
> but in the VIEW, they show correctly. WHY!? 
> It can't be blamed out the external form because the request.post_vars 
> values show up correctly in the VIEW. How can I access them in the 
> controller?
> On Saturday, September 22, 2012 7:22:10 AM UTC-4, Niphlod wrote:
>> I didn't get the problem. Wasn't the form generated "outside" web2py and 
>> you wanted web2py only to catch the submitted part ?
>> request.post_vars include every value (hidden or not) that the controller 
>> receives. if in response.post_vars there's no "submit_ip", than it's 
>> probably your "outside" form that has something not working.
>> On Saturday, September 22, 2012 12:49:11 AM UTC+2, thinkwell wrote:
>>> One more question - here's how I redid the controller because I need 
>>> these values for hidden fields in the web2py form.
>>> def submit_site():
>>>     site = request.post_vars.submit_url
>>>     ip = request.post_vars.submit_ip
>>> However, that only results in values of None. Why can't I use 
>>> request.post_vars.submit_ip in the controller? I built the form 
>>> successfully in a view, but I was hoping to build the form in the 
>>> controller so I can use validation on some fields. How can access the form 
>>> data inside the controller?


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