If you send me the models I wil try it.

On Thursday, 20 September 2012 09:40:01 UTC-5, Pradeeshnarayan wrote:
> I have rechecked again. There is a valid field rlord in tbl_objects.
> You can see the field 'tbl_objects.rlord' in the 6th line of SQL query. 
> SQL is working fine.
> In the error description I have noticed a difference.
> "
>   File 
> "/var/www/vhosts/astrozon/web2py/applications/astrozon/controllers/horoscope.py",
> line 104, in testing
>     L1_alt_obj.on((L1_alt_obj.horid==horid) & 
> (L1_alt_obj.objid==db.tbl_alt_objects.rlord))
> "
> here it is showing the 104 line has problem.
> but the in last line "InternalError: (1054, u"Unknown column 
> 'tbl_objects.rlord' in 'on clause'")". it is telling the error is in 
> field 'tbl_objects.rlord' which is in the previos line(103).
> I think it is a small syntax error. But I am unable to find out that.


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