more or less

{{for user in db(db.auth_user).select():}}
     Name : {{}}
     {{entities = db(
     Entities : {{', '.join( for ent in entities)}}

of course you should probably fetch the result in the controller and show 
only them in the view.

BTW: this is pretty simple and standard for web2py. If you were asking for 
something else please post more details...

Il giorno mercoledì 12 settembre 2012 11:10:33 UTC+2, Pepe Araya ha scritto:
> Hi,
> a question: how do you display the entities related to a user in a View 
> which displays a list of users with their related entities??
> for example:
> Name: user 1
> Entities: one, two
> --
> Name: user 2
> Entities: one
> --
> ...
> Thanks.
> On Friday, May 11, 2012 12:16:32 PM UTC-4, Niphlod wrote:
>> If you need to fetch all entities knowing the user in advance there is a 
>> ultra-simple way to fetch entities in a single query....
>> Actually I don't think anyone will come up with a solution involving more 
>> than 1 additional query to the one required for "selecting" the user.
>> user = db.auth_user(auth.user_id)
>> entities = db( 
>> Mind that the auth_user line is copied into session, so if that is always 
>> available you can skip the first query and do
>> entities = db(
>> Il giorno venerdì 11 maggio 2012 17:28:38 UTC+2, weheh ha scritto:
>>> db.define_table('entity', Field('name'), format='%(name)s')
>>> auth_user_table = db.define_table(
>>>     auth.settings.table_user_name,
>>>     ... 
>>>     Field('entity', 'list:reference db.entity',
>>>            requires=IS_IN_DB(db, '','%(name)s', multiple=True),
>>>    ...
>>> )
>>> Later, I want to get a list of entities by name from the list: reference 
>>> entry for the current user.
>>> I would think I could do this:
>>> user = db( == auth.user_id).select().first()
>>> entities = db.auth_user.entity.represent(user.entity)
>>> but I get a ticket:
>>>   File "N:/web2py/applications/myapp/controllers/", line 
>>> 15, in myfunc
>>>     return dict(etext=db.auth_user.entity.represent(user.entity))
>>> TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
>>> I've tried a few different variations on the theme, but none working so 
>>> far. Any help would be appreciated.
>>> There are obvious slower ways to do this, but inelegant. I want the 
>>> fastest, tightest solution.


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